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r <br />��/ <br />(2) <br />See Attachment A <br />See Attachment B <br />ENVIROtlP1ENTAL CHECKLIST ATTACHPIENT <br />(3) The proposed site for development is south of E�erett Mall, �iest of <br />Country Club Estates, a fI.U.D. apartment project and bordered to tne <br />south by Bruskrud Road. The slte itself is largely cleared with <br />1lttle or no vegetatlon on the east half. The west half of thE site <br />is sparsely wooded wlth both conifer and declduous trees and shrubs <br />and contains a sma11 stream that runs alon9 the edge of the property. <br />The stream 1s extremely silty and in need of clean-up along its banks. <br />There are no physical impr�vements (6uildings, paving, utilities) an <br />the site. <br />(4) The proposed project will introduce 42 attached livina units with <br />parking. (See Attachment 0) Exlsting low areas , the site will re- <br />quire fill. Some existing vegetatton on tfie ea , side of the stream <br />will be removed to accommodate the buildings and deck areas. The <br />west edge of the stream r�d site.contains larger ve9etation which will <br />remain and be supplemented in conjunction with the clean-up of the <br />stream. A storm drainage and retention system that will meter run- <br />off into the existing tributary is proposed. The design of this system <br />will be submitted for approval upan application for a building oermit. <br />