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_ <br />GRANT OF EASEME.VT <br />Limited Partnership hereinafterAcalledL"Grantor",Wishthetowner <br />of certa'n real property in Snohomish County, Washinqton des- <br />cribed i.r� Exhibit A. attached hereto and made a part hereof; <br />NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of <br />Ten Dollars ($10.00) in t�and paid and other valuable consideration <br />the receipt of which is acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby <br />grant, bargain, sell, and convey to MELVIN E. PRESTON, THELMA L. <br />PRESTON, CLYDE A SCHNASE, AND LINDA C. SCHNASE, hereinafter called <br />"Grantee", fta successors and assigns, an easement over, upon, <br />and through the followinq described portion of the :eal property <br />described in Exhibit A. hereof, to wit: <br />A fifteen (15) foot wide strip extendSng a7.onq <br />the easterly 15 feet•of the northerly 757.81 fe�nt of said <br />property also describad as a fifteen (15) Foot wide strip <br />over a portion of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of S�action 18, <br />Township 28, Ranqe 5 East, W.M, lyiag west of and <br />o�ijacent to the following described line: Heginning at the <br />nurtheast corner of said NTJ 1/4 of the NE 1/4j thence S <br />0°O1'43" W along tiie east line thereof 209.87 feet to the <br />intersection with the western right-of-way margin of <br />Interstate Hi9hway No. 5j thence continuinq along said <br />right-of-way margin S 17°33'2S" 47 143.34 feet; thence 6 <br />21°23'24" W 200.45 feet; thenc.� S 21°7.3'ti6" W 2G4.15 feet to <br />the southeasterly corner of Granto::'s property, the terminus <br />of said 3eacribed line, <br />for the pnrpose of installing, mainCair.�ng and repairing at <br />Grantee's sole cost and expense und��rgr��uhd water lines extendi.ny <br />through said easement and granting untu Grantee access to the sur.face <br />portions of said eacement only for the �urpose of, mai.n- <br />taining, snd repairing said undergruund roater lines, and res�orinq <br />the surface portions to it:, original condition,and Grantee by L•h� <br />acceptance of this easement contracts and agrees to restor.e I:o .i.L•s <br />oriqinal condition any roads, plant:ings, ahrubs, trees, ].andscap�.ttg <br />or improvements on the surface of said easement which may be dis- <br />turbed by Grantee in the exercise oi thi.s easemc�nt or any z�art <br />thereof, or i�i the exercise of any rights conveyed by this easement. <br />EXECUTED this� cl�y oE May, 1974�. <br />Accepted this o�ko day <br />of May, 19�� <br />GRANTEES: ._ <br />COUNTRY CLUS APTS., LIMITED <br />A Washington Limited Partnershi.p <br />bys <br />EVI:RETT CUUNTRY CLUB HPT^u.� YNC. <br />a Washington corporation, its <br />'General Partner <br />bX ;r ' J��f✓.- � stt/Li:� /✓Lfi <br />by: ;�''y`�:i_` _,L� ,�./Ai n. SE'� (. <br />y �..�r J .ro�-- <br />