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1304 BRUSKRUD RD 2018-01-02 MF Import
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1304 BRUSKRUD RD 2018-01-02 MF Import
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' � , ENVIRONMENiAL CHECKLIST 'Y�� �-.�. #� <br />.. . • , .::�,�y=.r.�;::_ <br />. . � (S�•00 Fee Required) . � , � <br />' ';,�i?r <br />Introduction: �The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 43.21C, RCW, requiras ell <br />n[ate and local governmental agencies to consider environmental valuee both Eor theit ovn <br />actiona and vhen licensing private proposals. Tha Act also requirea ehat an EIS be preparad <br />for all ma,jor actiona aignificanely affecting the quality of the environment. The purpos� <br />of this checklist ie to help the agenciee involved determine ahether or not a propoeal is such <br />a major action. <br />Pleaee anewer the folloaing queetions as completely ae you nn vith the informatlon prnsantly <br />available to you. Idhere explanatioas oF your aneuera are required, or where you beliave an <br />explanation would De helpful to governmant deciaion makera, include your eeplanation !n tha <br />apace provided, or use additional pages if neceseary. You ehauld include referencen to any <br />reporta or atudies of vhich you are aware and which are relevant to ehe ansvera you provide. <br />Cooplete ansvers to these queaeions now vill help all agencies involved wich your propoeal <br />to undertake ehe required environmental revlev aithout unneceasary delay. <br />TMe following queetions apply to yaur total proposal, not just to the license for which you <br />are curzently applying or the propoeal for vhich appraval is eought. Your anawers should <br />irtclude the ir�pacta whlch vill be eaused by your proposal when It is completed, even though <br />completion may not occur until sometime in the future. This crill allov all of ehe agencies <br />which will be involved to complete their environmental revlew now, without duplicating <br />paper vork ia the future. <br />vOYF: This is a s�andard form being used by all etate and local agencies in ehe State of <br />6'asl.ington °or various typea af proposals. lfany of the queations r�ay not apply to your proposal. <br />If i� question does not apply, just answer it "no" and continue on to [he-nest quEstion. ��,., <br />;�. ._ _. :; <br />i ENV7R0?IiSF.VYAL CHEC}:LIST FOR2f - ' : � <br />1. BACKCROI7:ID <br />1. \a:�e of Proponent QumaYs 14eshgin <br />2, Addreas and Phone `lumber af Proponent: 1;219 `Jorthup llav k209 <br />9e11evue WA (?061747-9550 <br />3. Date Checklise Submi[ted <br />4. Agency Requiring Checkllst Citv Of Everett <br />5. rame of Propoaal, if applicable: <br />6. Vature and Brief Description of the Proposal (includin3 but not limited�[o Its aize, <br />gencral design elemen[s, and other factors that will give an accurate underetanding <br />oE its acope and nature): 42 unit TOwnhouse CondQmirlium <br />7. Loca[ion of Proposal (describe the physical ae:eing of the proposal, as well ae the <br />e�tent of the land area affected by nny environnental Snpatts, including any other <br />Sn°em.atlon �e�ded to give an accur�te understanding of the enviro�mental setting of <br />che propusal): The site is south of Cverett i•lall and borders a II tl D�ih�idi �d <br />aoart^�ent oroi=ct 6 o�n•ierline easemerft to the ea�t, The r�aior oortion of t�oronerty <br />is cleared �•iith the w?st property line beina woode� w/a stream along its edge. <br />8. Esti�ated Date for Completion oE the Proposed Ac[lon: Fn___,6ryarK 19n0 __ <br />
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