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' (- <br /> such notice of intent. if Lessor cannot restore or rebuild the <br /> premiaea within the said one hundred eighty (180) dayn, thun <br /> theiLease may be terminated at Lessee' s option Uy written ten <br /> (10) day notice to Lessor. During tlie period of untenantability, <br /> rent shall abate in the sane ratio as the portion of thc premi:-,• � <br /> ren53ered untenantable bears to the whole of tlie premises. <br /> 14. :;ICNS: <br /> All signs or symbols placed Uy Lessee in tlie windowe ��nd doora ��f <br /> the premises, or upon aty exterior part of the buildin9, ehr,ll >>c <br /> subject to Lesaor'n ��rior written approval. Lec3or may deriand <br /> the removal of signe which are not eo approved, and Lessee'� <br /> failure to comply with eaid request within fivr. (5 ) dayc will <br /> conetitute a breach of thia paragraph and will entitic Lessor to <br /> terminate thie Lease, or in lieu thereof, to cause the sign to l�e <br /> removed and the building repaired at the sole expense of the <br /> Leasee. At the termination of this Lease, Lessec will rcinovc al ] <br /> signe placed by it upon the premises, nnd will rct,air any �lni,�n�t�� <br /> caused Uy such removal . <br /> 15t ; AL:ERATIONS: <br /> After prioi written con�ent of Lc ��or , Les, cc ���r�y r,n }; �, <br /> alterationa, additions <�nd improvementc in said premices, <�t its <br /> sole coat and expense . In tlie performance of sucii work, Lessce <br /> agrees to comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations <br /> of any proper public authority, and to save Lessor harmless frori <br /> damage, lose or expense. Upon termination of thie Lease and upon <br /> Leesor's request, or Leseor's approval, Leaeee shall remove cucli <br /> improvements and restore the premises to its oriyinal condition <br /> not lator than the termination dnte, at Lesse's aole cost and <br /> ex�.ense. Any improvements not so removed ahall remain in and l,e <br /> aurrendered with the preniaea ae a part thereof. Trade fixtures <br /> may be removed at Leusee's expense provided that Lessec sliall ��y <br /> for sny damage cauAed by euch removal . <br /> 16. CONDEMNATIONt <br /> In the event a eubetnntiRl part of tlie premiaes is taken by tlie <br /> riglit of eminent domain, or purchased by the condemnor, in lieu <br /> thereof, so ae to render tlie remaininy premisea untenatal�lc, tlicn <br /> thie Leaee ahell be cancelled ae of the time of taking tlic option <br /> of either party. In the event of a partial taking, which does <br /> not render the premiaes untenartable, the rent aliall Ue reduced <br /> in direct proportion to the taking. LessQe aha111,ave ro claim <br /> to any portion of the compensation for the taking of �he land or <br /> building . <br /> 17. TAXGS: <br /> In addition to the rent provided in paragraph 3, Lessee �gr�es to <br /> pay hie prorata portion of the real estate taxes and asce:.sments <br /> applicable to the premises which are due and payable duriny tl�e <br /> term of this Lease or any extenaiun liereof. Lcesee shall �ay ics <br /> �ortion....of tlie taxes on the building equal to the percentige <br /> of tiie total net rentable area in the building leased to Le,scc, <br /> plus tlie portion of the taxes applicable to tlie land deecribed in <br /> Exhibit A which ie equnl to the rntio of the aquare feet ot tl�c <br /> premisca to the total aqu..� e feet of net rentable area of <br /> tuildinga on eaid land. <br /> Les�sor s}iall submit to Lessee a copy of the actual statements <br /> received from tha taxing authority as they Uecome due and sliall <br /> invoice Lesaee for its portion according to the provisiona of <br /> thia paragraph. Loasee shall pay euch inv�ice within fifteen <br /> (15) days. , <br /> i <br /> If the tern of thie Lease commences and terminetes on �:ates otlicr <br /> than January 1 and December 31, respectively, taxes payable sliall <br /> be prorated in the firat and last calendar yeara of tlie term of <br /> thel Lease . . <br /> Should therr, preaently be in effect or ahould thexe be er.acting <br /> during the t�rm oF this Lease any law, statue or ordinance <br /> 3 <br />