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NOTICE TO PLUMBERS AND APPLICANTS FOR WATER <br /> , <br /> Ueforr nnY �•����m���lian rnn 6�� mndr. i•Ithor e�lth thr nudno or wlth s�rvice plpee atlached to the main�, for fnmllY ��A�'. H'nt��r <br /> cluset�.6nti�tubx,hna�� blLn,ar m�y nthor Osturr for lh�nuPP15' �����I uav nt wnteq npDllentlan muxl lie mnde IiY lhi• nx•nrr ur a�•onPnnt �• . <br /> i <br /> nt the Premini�x nn�,l P�•rmlen:an Rlvrn ta �he Plumher for nco�•utlnR the xork.nn IJenk fonnu [nndrheJ ot Uw o�lce nf lhe Everett <br /> Wnter G�mO���U'. . <br /> Bhould tho o.imu�'�•tlauK L�• tnndc In nd��wn���•��L or ���IlLnut Furh nPPlirnll��n or permlexlon. tlu� wx���r wlll b�• xhut all from thr <br /> pn•mlxrx nnd Ihi� Vlumb�•r il�•bnrn�d hom thc r���ruJnn n( nn)� wurk �.'herohy the x•ntrr mn>' be drn�rn (rom lhc mnlnx. . <br /> Notivr xhunl;l hv eivcn tnrtJ`�'IRhI haurx in ndvnn���� Gn' tnPPinR thr mnlnx. <br /> A. C. PATTERBON, <br /> 10¢rrl. HuVrrint��n�irnl. licorett \1'n'cr CumPm�Y. <br /> t <br />