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NOTICE TO PLUMBERS AND APPLICANTS FOq WqTER. � <br /> � - . . - - - ---- ( <br /> Uefon� ntq' cuune��tlnn i�nn bo mmlr, clth�•r wllh tl�i• mnlus or w+th eervlee pipcs attrched to tlie�, fur funJly unh. rcuter <br /> 1'IIINPIb. Lfl1I1 IIIIIR� IIOflP IIII)P. 111 1111)� O�II�`I' IISIIIfP IOI' UIC NII����I\' III1�I IINr O( rcnb•r. nppll:•nUuu t�ival bv mndr by thc ox�m•r or oci�u. <br /> prtnl of[hr prnmlFrn nnd pi�rmin�don g ie�m to �ho plpmbur fnr es��eutlnK lh�• w��i'4, on Id�uik tul'tllx (nl'nixhe�l nt the olllcu uf the <br /> L•'rarM[ {1'nter Compx�p•. <br /> Bhuuld Uw ronnrrtloue br n¢de In nd��nnri� nt or rvlthanl xnrh nPpllrutinu ur prunlnnluu, thu �cnb�r e�lll bu xhul nR f�m thu <br /> Prumlaen mW thr ph�mbrr di�6nrred how .Lv esrrulion nf nnl �eork �ehorrLe �h�• n�ul�•r uup' 6r drnn�n frum (h�• tnnlnu, <br /> \otirn ehnuld Lr Blr��u fnrq'-"IRht huurx In n,lrw�or for tnppinK thi• umhiN <br /> I <br /> A. C. PATTEi280N, � <br /> lorer). enimrhrt��nil�•ut. L•'v�•n•tl \P�rtoP Colupmq'. I <br />