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2418 CHESTNUT ST 2018-01-02 MF Import
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2418 CHESTNUT ST 2018-01-02 MF Import
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1/26/2022 1:54:15 PM
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1/26/2017 3:12:07 AM
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Everett Railway, Light and Water Co. <br />PUGET 50011) INTERNATIKAL RAILWAY AND POWER ED., LESSEE <br />NOTICE TO PLUMBERS <br />AND <br />APPLICANTS FOR WATER <br />Before any connectien vae he made, either with the ..mina or atith service <br />piper attaehe'.I to the main", fur family use, water closetm, both labs, home bills, <br />or any other fixture for the supply and use of venter, application must be made I'y <br />the owner or occupant of the'premleei anti permission given to thu plumber for <br />executing the work, an blank harms furnished at the riffles of this Company. <br />Should the connection be Inade In advance of or without such appllentiou or <br />permission, the water will bA shut off from the premises and the plumbrrde• <br />barred from the execution of any work whereby the water may be drawn frcm <br />the mnins. <br />Berore a service connectin is made by this Company from Its mains to the <br />curb it will be necessary for the applicont for water to Iny his pipes from a point <br />one foot hudde of curb line ti a point inside of hit property line, and in accord - <br />once with the rules and regulnlinns of this Company. <br />No person shell place a to in a yont or common area of tiny premises for any <br />other purpose thou that of 1. inkling or Irrigation, and no top for each purpose <br />shall be so placed as to be at s"Ible to persons living ono or oecupying neighbor- <br />Ing liretnlers. R'ator shall oat be allowed to pens to lope placed in violation of <br />this section, or If turned on to any such tups, shall be shut off until Buell tup is <br />removed to some unexposed pace on said premises; and no tap shell be placed in <br />any yar.toe common area of , r preanlaes for any purpose unless another lap aholl <br />have been previously placed n d bo in use In the house situated upon such preen. <br />ices. If water shall be need from a top placed In it yard or common area for any <br />other purpose than that of sp�,kling or irrigation, this Cumpony will discontinue <br />the supply of all water to thpromides upon whIA said water Is so used. This <br />rule d ros not apply to waters plied for building purposes on the premises. <br />Notice shall be given fort•-ei•�ht hours in advance for topping the mnins. <br />C BARNES <br />n r:4 d•.Ino nr. � tl�'uq•��ea Ib <br />R• ����w � ift[anager. .. — <br />(ovra) — <br />.t <br />
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