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/ <br /> 1 <br /> NOTICE TO PLUMBERS AND APPLICANTS FOR WATER <br /> Uefore nny cunnerUon r�n be nmde, i•Ilh��r wllh lhr nudne or wlth �erviee plpee altaehed to the maln�, fnr tnmlly une, wnter <br /> cloeelx,6nN tube,hose Idbe,or nny olher Ilxhve far q�c eupply nnd unu nf wnter, nppllcntlan muxt be maAe by t6e orener or occupnnt <br /> of the premlece ellcl pcl'mlxxlan RlVen tn lhc plumbcr tor eaecutiug thu work, on hlnnk form� tnrnieheJ flL �IIL ollivc of thn Evorett <br /> Wutnr Campnny. � <br /> dho���d the cunm•eUonx be mnde In nilvance of, ar rclllmut euch nPUhentlon nr nerminxlau. �hn a•ntrr x•III I�e nhut oR from the <br /> premlere and the piumher di�lrnrrod from the es��rutlon of nnY aor6 �chrr,oy thu rcntcr miq' lic drna•n lrmu Wc tuninx. , <br /> Notico ehuul;l bn Rh�en furtY�ei6h[ haurx lu nd��en:�o !ar �npping tl�e mnlne. <br /> . A. C. PATTER80N, <br /> IOverl. SuU��rin[omli�nt. 13rorclt 1Vatrr Company. <br /> �. <br />