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, � <br /> NOTICE TO PLUMBERS AND APPLICANTS FOR WAFER <br /> IIeforo xaS �•������ectfou enn Li• muda. �dlh��r �cllh ILr main�; or with service pipee attached lo l:ie maino, fnr tamily une. ualer <br /> closete,I�n!ii InDe.hoaa� bibx,or nn7'ntUer OSture fUr the enPU13' :�nd uso uf �eater, nPPllratiun mast t�e made ��F ihc o�cner or orcu�inut <br /> � f .Se premlecs ami perudaelun gR�en to tUe plumbrr for ezrcuting thc worL•,on binnk D�rma [i�rnlehed nt tln: olllcc u: the Ererclt <br /> 1\'atcr CumUan3'. / <br /> Shoald the ennn�•etlnn� Le made In ndcnnce oP. or u9lhout euch nUPhcntlon nr D�'nniseion. ih� �cu[er u�lll Ue eLnt nT tram the <br /> pri�m�ra +md th�� nlmnber dubarred trum Uiv executlnn of an�' x�urk n�hcreby the x�ntur mnY he dracrn frmu the malna. <br /> NoUcc shoul;l U�, givcu forl5'-cight haura in nd��an;•o tm� tnpplug t6c mnlnx. <br /> � A, C. PATTERSON, <br /> IOceN. 9uPerinte�We��l. IseereLL l�'nlrr ComPau^. <br />