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i1QTICE OF }i'r�RIidG <br />isr-. <br />Notice is hereby given that a l�earing will be held t-3 the City <br />P.ianning Comr.iission Aoar3 a£ luljustment at the City hall, �verett, <br />Hnshin�ton at 10:30 A.ti. June 25, 1962 for �he consideration <br />of the iollow3ng: <br />Request of Wesley W. Wynne for a variance franthe ordinance and <br />permit to construct an extension of a five unit apartment building <br />at 6010 Colby, ,� <br />._� r� � � _ r: - ' �'_- <br />An;� person desirinr, To oLj�ct +hereto �:onld nresent Such objec- <br />'t:iC:7 ;::t L:'.�^_ t,j.i.^.L �. fl F:�.:1C.f. ^I ..1 f,-:rinr'. <br />sT.'S'sR I�'?T_S� Secr.^.tar,V <br />Lv�rett F:'_annin� Cc,-:�:.isaioti <br />Hca'rra of G�lj:��t-�c::.; <br />Publisl'�ed: June 18, 1962 <br />