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NOTIC� OF HL:IRING <br />Notice is hc;-eby eiven Yhat a hearin�; wil] bc hcld by the Cily <br />Planning Commissictt IIoard of Adjustment aC tl�c Gity Hal1, Everett, <br />Wasltington at 10:30 A, M, Feb. 25, 1963 for tlie consideration of thc <br />following: _ - ' <br />Reqiicst of Wesley Wynne, 6010 ColUy .lvenue� Everett, for variancc <br />from the ordinance and germit to construct an extension of 5 ne�v units <br />and appurtenant garages and Iandscapin� to existin� 4 unit aparlment <br />located on tli� following described property: <br />Part of the N� 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section b, Township 28 North, <br />Rangc 5�WM, beginning at the East 1/4 corner of said Section 6; <br />Lhence West along the Nortli line o! said snbdivieion tor 30 ft, to the <br />W'est line of Old Pacific liighway; thence South along said West line of <br />EIigliway for Z7 ft. to the true point of Ueginning; thence angle 90°20' to <br />thc right for 217. 8 ft.; thence Soutlx parallel to the East line of said <br />Section 6 for 173 ft, ; thence angle 89°40� to the left for 217, 8 ft, to the <br />West line of the Highway; thence North along said West line for 173 ft. <br />to the true point of beginning; situaled in tlie Gounty of Snohomish, <br />State ot Waehington, (Southwest corner of 60th and Colby) <br />Any person desiring to be heard on this proposa] slioiild present <br />their opiuion at said time and place of liearin�, <br />r, I-I. 13LNNI�TT, Secretary <br />Everett Pla�ming Commission <br />Baard of Adjustment <br />I'ublished: Feb. 1$, 1963 <br />. _, : `t; ; . , �" .'�"-�'�� <br />