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,� <br />(; ITY O� �V EILETt <br />B n A R D 0 F A D J U S T M E N T <br />APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE <br />-� lr'�� 1 _'��, � <br />APPELLANY�'1 p,yr '��nP __ ADDRESS_ 6�tn � i� �==rett <br />LOCAiION OF ''F'.OPERTY fi010 Colbv Ave. <br />(Street Address) <br />LEGAL• DGSCRIPTION OF PROPEATY � <br />SPECIAL USE AEQUESTED: ^�1 axtension of 2 5_U�it Ac.�rt„c��, h,,; l A; n� <br />ITEMS a� b and c below MUST BE FILLED IN: <br />a. Facts supporting owner's contenticn that ehere are excepcional or extra- <br />ordinary ci:cia:stances or conditions applyiug to [he subject property or as <br />Co the intmided use thereof, that do not: apply generally to other properties <br />in the same vicinity or zone. <br />Wn �lr arit hava o� fini4 apartment bu� ��n t.h�S ��P*'�1r�' '+nrl <br />vn �sl:in� for an exr�ansion of 5 additional units. This nr���v was <br />nurchas�d in 1955 for the sole purpose of utilizinP it �11 for apartments_ <br />b. Facte cupporting owner's contention tliat such variance is necessary for <br />the preservation and enjoyment cf a subutantial properky right oF the appel- <br />lant possessed by the owners of other propertiea in thc same vicinity or zone. <br />f�dditional units were contempl3ted px•ior to annexation to the citv. <br />However we were unable to Surther our olans at that time until seyrers <br />i•mre constructed and we were fin2ncially able to do so, <br />c. Facts �upporting awner's cuntention that [he auHint-iza[ion of such vari- <br />ance will not be materially de:rimental to the public welfare o: injurious to <br />property in the vicinity or zone in which the property is located. <br />Tde Seel this extension will be an improvement to the surrounding area. <br />Therc will be areas provided for o£f street parking. <br />� � <br />_ Date Jwie 7. 19�2 ' . .G ,Z ��[. <br />(Signa e) <br />