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_ - :��a:a r�t,, > <br />{ F <br />�. r �._ S'' FA ^�,�I�"(, . - J �� <br />July 29� 1965 <br />Mr Allen V Baird ,- <br />7G15 �.olby Ave ''� <br />Everett, ��shington <br />Dear Sir: <br />Thank you fcr your oromoi �etteniinn to our letter of Ju;y 22nd. <br />You stated the wirinQ w3s installed prior to ann�x�tion to thc <br />City. If it was done by a licere�d eleciric:+l contr�ctor� ho, <br />no dou6t� took out a state permi: and h�d th�t plrt ins;ected <br />by tha Sta{e inspector. Thero would ba no ndditional cnnrg� on <br />the wiring done at th�t time. li is ;rv�ndatory whore the Ever=ti <br />rire Department givee Pire orotection. i'i�t nll wiring h� insp�cted <br />�nd meet the code etandarda. <br />Would you plEase lei us kno�v when en electric�l inspection of <br />the heaters can be made. If any furthar permii is reGuired wc <br />will let you know at the time of inspoction. <br />Thanl< you 'gain. <br />Yours truly <br />L. J. Dou�heriy <br />[lecir icn I I n���ector <br />LJD:rm <br />