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L <br /> - - ---�----�— – ---- --- - ----�--- --I <br /> --�— <br /> _ j PUBL/C WORI►TS Sent vi� e-�i � <br /> � � a�Zsi ��. '� <br /> I -- --- -- -- - ---- --=- _ <br /> February 25, 2014 <br /> Project: Sign for Theory Tattoo <br /> Job Address: 5129 Evergreen Way <br /> F�an Review: 51402-006 <br /> F.E: Corrections Letter <br /> Dear Pablo, <br /> In response to your appiication for a construction permit, your plans have been examined and you are advised <br /> that revisions may be necessary before a permit can be issued. Please review and respond to the comments <br /> below. All required submittals must be of sufficient detail and information to ensure that the proposed <br /> structure will be constructed in compliance with all adopted codes. <br /> In order for the processing of your application to continue, it will be necessary to provide the <br /> Building pivision with two sets of construction documents reflecting the corredions requested. <br /> Those revised sheets can be sent by e-mail to expedite processing. <br /> Structural <br /> 1. Please include a building section and an elevation showing the number and location of sign <br /> attachments for each sign. <br /> a. Please indicate [he specific weight of the signs on the drewings. <br /> b. Please provide sec':ion details and notes that identify type of sign attachment, length and size, <br /> the overall number of attachments, and dimensioned depth of the attachment into the s�ecific <br /> tvpe of wall construction that will be supporting the sign. The sign attachments should be <br /> shown on the drawings to be sized sufficiently and designed to support the specific weight of <br /> the sign to resist forces from wind, gravity and seismic loading, per IBC 1603.1. <br /> These comments address building issues only, Revisions or additions may be required by uther departments <br /> (Utilities, Public Works, or Planning). Code references cited include the 2012 International Building Code <br /> (IBC), 2012 International Fire Code (IFC), the 2012 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC), and the ICC/ANSI <br /> A117.1-2009 Accessible and Usable 8uildings and facilities. All codes referenced, as adopted by the Ciry of <br /> Everett, should include current revisions by the State of Washington. Note that federal laws may be more <br /> restriclive. Please contact me with any questions by e-mail at mhalev(aleveretlwa.qov or by phone at 425- <br /> 257-8813. <br /> rel , <br /> eg Hale , Plans Examiner <br />