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January 2q� 196? <br />Aye Investment Gomp�.ny <br />F.�02 Everqreen �Yay- <br />Cveratc� Wash'ington <br />Gentlemen: <br />This is to infa�r., you that your applic�itien� Permit �1709� for permission <br />to oave tha parkir.g �trips un Evergroen 1'Iny� Lake Street� and Fleming <br />Str6et with Asphaltic concrete pavanent and to construct c� P.C, concrete <br />exiruded curb on Evergreen Vlay� allowing for a 28 foot and a 35 root <br />driveway� all as indiceted on sketch� has been approveJ b:y the City Council. <br />A ccpy of the sketch9 showing the approved work� is en�loc�d. All work <br />must conform to this sketch. <br />8'e are also encloeing a copy of our rules and regulations governing work <br />on City streets. Pleasa notify us when you ;tart this work� so an inspection <br />cen be made. <br />This permit is valid for e period of 60 days. If the work has not been <br />done at tho end of that time� it will be necessary for you to obtain a <br />new permit. <br />Sincurely <br />RG:.NEY V. COLV I N <br />City Engineer <br />R'/C:mt <br />Encl-2 <br />