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!� ., r� h 21 , ! `: �;7 <br />Kenneth D. Foberts <br />ti623 Ever�reen 9ay <br />,verett� ;�sshingtor, 9E'c:Jl <br />FL�.�� PLAhlT"cR (>GXES: Permit 2460 <br />The City Council has aFproved your renuest to �l:�ce pl��nter boxes in <br />the area shown on the enclnsed sHetrh. A1! �vork must conform with <br />this slcet�h. <br />'�e are aiso enclos;ng � copy of our rules �nd regulations governi�g <br />,�orF, cn City streets. Flease notify us when you st�rt this work sc <br />,n inspection can be mada. <br />This Fermit is valid for a period of 6U days. If ihe work has noi <br />been done et the end of that time; it vrill be necessary fer you to <br />obt>.in a nevr Fern,it. <br />Sir�crely <br />'{C^;c�' V. l(�l'I;�, <br />:ii ty cnpineer <br />mt <br />�ncls <br />, ' < a"+�' ., _ <br />.... , . <br />� . _ -�^"'+^- ti �. „T^. _..y....� . <br />I a I `o5J Si � � _ r e i., ..'.�ia.arn.a . 1� .,,.._ e h _ _. .. . v . ��i..a-. eu _ . _..v : .,..,, . � ....� ._. _ . . �..`t^_.".. � .__ - _ __ .._ . <. .. .._ ".(`"'_ . <br />