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'UBL/C /�!/Ol�KS <br />August 30, 1995 <br />Brant D�sign Associates <br />9221 - lOth Ave SW <br />SeatUe WA 98106 <br />RE: Owner: Vyzis Co/Changs Mongolian Grill <br />Job Address: 7601 Evergreen Way <br />Plan Check N:B49332 <br />Dear Mr. Brant:: <br />In response to your application for a construction permit, your plans have been <br />examined and you are advised that the issuance of a permit is being wiihheld for the <br />reasons listed below. These comments address buiiding issues only, additionai <br />revisions or additions may be required by other departments (such as Utilities, Planning <br />or Fire). All references rel'er to the 1994 Unii'orm Building Code, as amended by the <br />State of Washington and /or Washington State Energy Code 1995 Edition, unless stated <br />otherwise. <br />1, Please provide wall sections ancl details for the followin;: <br />Typical Wall Construction <br />Plrtial Height Wall aracing <br />Dropped Soffit Construction <br />Glass Partitions <br />2, The raised display kitchen area must be accessible to persons with disabilities. <br />Please provide ramp details. Sec. l 103. l. l <br />3, The exit .door from the kitchen to the dining area must have 48" long <br />manuvering space on the kitchen side of the door. <br />In order for the processing of your application to continue, it will be necessary to <br />provide the Building Division with two complete new sets of drawings reflecting the <br />corrections requested. <br />Upon resubmittal of the drawings, your application will be given priority and plan <br />review will recommence. <br />CITY OF EVERETT• 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(206) 259-8800 • Fax (206) 259-8856 � <br />