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`�— i�o. <br />Fa�c zeEsssszez ". , <br />1-5 ReaILY. . .. ' -' -._ .._......____... <br />Ru9.21 '95 10:28 ._ , . <br />13'�933 � <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Legal De3cripGon <br />� Thla Exhibft i� a contlnueHon of that certafn shoppi�p cent�r Lease dated August �7, 1995 by and betwaen <br />� Casceds Oaveloprt�ent Group Llmited Partnerohip, o Washingtan limiled parfiershlp and Cheng �rothors, <br />' Inc., a Washinpton corporatb�� on real property in Snohomish County, Washington, end by this ieference <br />ehall beCome a psrt ot that Agreement. <br />i rna_c,Ty, ;� i pr,vi �sGRIPTI N: Cascade Shopping Conter <br />� lote 1 throuqh 6, lncluaive, and that portian oi Lats 7 and 6 y�n9 �ast of Evergreen Way (rortnedy Sute <br />Road Nv. 1), in Bbak 2, Sevedy Hortro Tracts Division No. 2, aarording to the plat therwf neorded In <br />Volume tD oT PIaW, pege 25, rec.rorcls of Snonomish County, Washingtan, EXCEPT th� lo�lowin9 <br />dascrit»d �roct as city atreet Baginning at t�e Northeast comer af soid Black 2; thensa N 8B• 16' 44" W, <br />' along the North line of said Blak 2, a dlslance of 808:27 feel to th� point of interaectbn of the North Gne <br />' Of sald Bla'.K 2 with the curve at ihe East rlght of way Ilne oi said Everorean Wey, at which Pa�nt the <br />tangant to said curva beara S ZO' 10' 42" W; thence in a Southerly dlrecbon �lorg said curve, to ihe rfght, <br />heving a rad�ue o12914.79 feet, and aro dlet�nce of 52.391eet to a point at whioh the tanperrt tu sdd curve <br />bears S 2t° 12' 29" W, and whlch pofnt Is the point of curve oi a second eurve, at which polnt the tengent <br />to ca�d secand curve bears N 21' 12' 29" E; th�nea In a Northearierh+ direcUon, a{aig asid eccond curvo, <br />to the rlght, heving a radlua of 45.00 het, an aro dietance o� 54,59 feet to a paint that ia 20.00 feet South <br />of the North line of seid Bbck 2, as mea�aurod et riyht a�gles the.^eto; thence S 89° 18' 44"E, parsikl wkh <br />th� North line of said Bbck 2, a dlatance of 583.89 feet to e point on the East line of said Bbck 2; thence <br />N 1' 05' 5D" E, along the Eaat line of eaid Biock 2, a dietance of 20.00 faet lo the point ot baginnfnp. <br />TOGETkER WITH ihat poAion of the Northeaot QuArter of the Southweat Quarter af Secdon 7, Townehip <br />28 North, Ranqe 6 Ea�t of the Willamatta Meridfan, desaribsd as iollowa: Beginning at the Northeast <br />camer of said Northewt �uarter of the Southwest dueRer o� Section T; U�ence N 89' 19' 44" W, slong Itie <br />Eset-Waet cettter line of rafd Section 7, a dlstanCe ot 72910 feet to a point on the curva oT the Ea�teAy <br />ripM ot way li�e of Evargreen Way (formerly State Road No. 1), et which point the ta�yent to said arva <br />bears S 28` 2T 68" W: thence in a Southerly dlrection abnp said curve to ttw right, having a radlun of <br />2914.78 feet, z. . arz dlstenCe of 39Z.31 leeC thance S 33' 35 15" W, tonpentlalw hom sekl curve, along <br />sefd �astery rigM of wey line, a dlstar�Ca o1188.88 teeC then�e S 58• 24' 45' E a disbnce of 206.OB feet; <br />thence S 33' 35' 16" W a di�tnnce of 39.00 feet to a polnt on the Northerly marpin of Mwt etre�� knoW^ as <br />Campus Parkway; thence 5 66° 24' 45" E, abnp said margin, a distanca of 137.02 feet; ihence aiong a <br />tangential turvs to the left, having a redfua of 689.92 feeG en a�c dlsUnce of 328.74 �aet to e point at <br />which the tanpant to saW curve bears 5 B3' 32' 49" E; thence N 1' OS' S0" E a distance at 760.13 heY, <br />tnanca N 59' 24' 45" W o distanca af 2s8.28 ieef, then�e N 33' - 35' 15" E a distanca af 195.00 feak <br />thenca N 8' S8' 48" W a dietanco of 48.80 �eet; thence N 21' OS' 50" E a distanca o( 58.53 f�et; thence S <br />8S' 34' 1D" E a di6lance of 218.58 feet; thence S 1° OS' 50" W a dfsbnce of 185.&3 feeh t�ence S 43' 34' <br />10" E a dietance of 40.31 feet thenc� S 88° 54' 10" E a dist�nee of 18.50 feet; S 48' 10' 57" E e <br />diatance of 23.70 feet; thence 5 88' 54' 10" E s distu�ce of 181.96 feek lhence S 1' 42' Z4" W a dlatance <br />of 135.03 feel; thence S 88° 66' 25" E a dietanee of 80.02 feet 1a a point an thc East I(ne of said <br />subdivfelon; thenoe N 1° 42' 24" E, atong the Eest Iln� of aaid subdivkion, a dlstana of 565.86 teet 2o the <br />point of beginning. <br />SUBJECT TO Eaaements of rocaM. <br />