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1 <br />"'' (425) 257-8810 <br />f <br />Plan Check No.: B0012-008 <br />Applicalion Dale: 12/07/2000 <br />Owner: REGENCY REALITY <br />Job Address: 7601 EVERGREEN WAY aB002 <br />Proposed Use: RETAIL <br />Descriplion of Work: TI SHELL BY 06VNER <br />Plan Check Fee Paid: 181.50 <br />The building permi[ application for ihc abovo-referenccd ;,rojcct is being conditionally accepted for filing <br />pending the determination of its completeness. <br />If the Ciry review determ�nes that any additional land use approval or any additional information is <br />required �o complcte your building permit application, it will be necessary to submit �his additional <br />infonnation or acquire the ad�:iional land use app:ovai priur to your applicntion being considercd complcte <br />for filing. If no other laud use approvai or additional informatian is required, your building permit <br />application will be considered filed as of this date. <br />BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS EXPIRE IF NO PERMIT 15 ISSUED <br />WITHIN 180 DAYS FOLLOW6Nt9 THE DATE OF APPLICATION. <br />Signature <br />Date <br />FILE COPY <br />