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nPPLICATION FOR HOUSE NUMBER <br />Date Mav 26 1967 <br />Name Earl Meyer Used Cs�� <br />Present Address ��eH' Auio Lo't <br />Street Ever�reen PJay <br />Number Assigned. ���2 — <br />Phone <br />Legal Description of Pronercy N. 3i2 feet of the followinQ: that poriion of the S.W.� of Sec. 7� <br />T,82N.� R 5E.. �h.M. : Commencinp, a_t the 1"d..—�� corner of Sec. 7; ihence S. 89°1e�44° E. alonp tha <br />E.&P1. center of Sec. 7 fcr 20 feet t� the E. marQin of Counly Road; thence S. 1° 21'48" W. along <br />E. margin for 1165 82 Peet� thznce S. ?&'_+14'40° E. parallel to the S, line o` the t..iV:y_of Sa:c.7 <br />for a40.8? feE{ � iQ a Point 4�fZ_feei fron as measured at right anPles to, the_N.E. marein of <br />Primary Sta`� HiAhwa�v No. 1. �Li�.�r��a nnint of heojnn�,5 of this des;ri_ot�; thence N, 33°35'15" <br />E. parall�L+� S atP Hi� wav Nn 1 Fnr hCl UC fPPt� th�n�� 5. �3�5°1G�� '1�L'_�._�o the F. lin�of the <br />N.Nf.-� of�?�Li"L.' �f Scr 7y���A S`alonn E lin��.1N. marr.,in of Primar� S{3��i1P�Way No.1� <br />the�ce S 33°35'15" W. alonp IV.W marnin to a ooint .hat bears S. 88°14!40° E. from the true point ::� <br />of beginninp� thebce N. 88°14'40" VJ. far 47U.31 feet to the true point of beginning. <br />C!TY OF EVERETT Ron Everist <br />ENGINEERIhG DEPARTMENT Issued by <br />..��.. , <br />FORM NO. 435-001 ��^�-. <br />