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9. I, of al.l Fcrm1C�, 7.•i,.en�es or Covcrnmenl Approva).� Y,cyuir.ed for the Propos.�l (fedcral, <br />sCate and 1ocal--includin& rezones) :�u�/,1��� y�,�,,;,� Ta �oo <br />' %I�r'/',.• `',��' _, Fitc • ._ <br />10. Do you have any p).ans for fu[urc additions, cr.pansi.on, or furthcr ac[ivity rclated co or <br />connected witfi this ploposal? If yes, explaiu: ND . <br />11. Do you }:noc� ot any plans by others oihich may atfect the propc:rty eovered by your proposali <br />If yes, explain• �/a <br />12. Attacli any other application form that has Leen completed r.egarding ttie proposal; if none <br />has been completed, but is espected to be filed at some future daEe, describe the nature <br />of such application form: ,y„�,� • <br />Ii.. Er'VIRO�TMEI�TTAL 7?•�ACTS <br />(Explanations of all "yes and "maybe" answers are required) <br />(1) Earth. i;ill the proposal result in: <br />Yes Dtai•be No <br />(a) Unstable earth conditions o: in changes i.n Eeologic substructures? ✓ <br />(b) Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? Y <br />(c) C}iange in topography or ground surfacc relief features? '� <br />(d) The d�_struction, covc:ring or n;odificatio❑ of any unique geolooi.c ' <br />or physical features? � • <br />(e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or <br />off the site? <br />(f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beacl� sands, or chaages in <br />siltatio�, deposition or erosion wflich rnap nodify the channel. of <br />a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or <br />lai:a? <br />ExPlanation• <br />(Z) Air. Will the proposal resulC in: <br />��) Air emissic+ns or deterioration of ambient air quali[y? <br />(b) The creation of objectionable odors? <br />(c) Alterltion of air movenenC, moisture or temPerature, or any <br />change in climate, either locally or regionallyt <br />Explanation• ' , <br />(3) {1a[cr, ldill the proposal result ir.; � <br />(n) Ghanq.�s in currents, or tLe aourse or clirection of water <br />move¢�enC�, in either murine or fresh W;�ters? <br />� <br />� <br />V <br />V <br />� <br />v <br />- � ri <br />