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-- ,56�8 � 1,__, -,�- -� - <br />��,- ; _�_ <br />`�� �' Ei���E'�'T�WATER GOMPANY. <br />_nLarcd iu plat boolc <br />Vol_.. / ::.:k>c =-� 7'--- � <br />/ CII�CULAR ' <br />' -------�--- �--------� <br />Pnga---•-...--- <br />.�.,, <br />PLUMBERS AND PIPE FITTERS. <br />in� in tJ�c ruiex nnd regulnlimis nf I.Iw Compnn4 rcepceth�g n•nt�r <br />anpplt•, �he fnlloa�h��; in�lrnclinnH are ��nbliHhe�l fnt Ihe infnPm:�tlm� :md };vid- <br />nncr of plumbcra, pipc•littcre mxl all pervnnv conccrned. <br />On N�c b��i�k nf nnc nf liw rirnular� �� �I:dcmrnt nf l.h� �corl: done nml Itx- <br />turex put h� nw�t be made b�• Lhe phunLer nn�l returncd to ihe nlllrc of 4hc <br />Campm�y�. � <br />In nll enses n"atop nnd ���neld' must bc puL iu,nnd Ao pinec�l tlmt IL is enxily. <br />, nccexviLle to lhe conNumeq an�l in 4nrL r, po�itirni thnt. it wili drnin nll Ihc <br />�' pipea. lf pl�mal ou�xido iLe Lufiding it musl� br. boxed, xo th�it it, enn Le eneil�. <br />renched, nnd eo iha6 iL can bc prnlecled trnm fro�l. All pipev, insid�• nn�l oub <br />stdc, nu�al. bc L•ii�l frcc hnm trnps sn Ihnt Uic}• o�ill drain �vhen lhc �cnstc ix <br />opcn. <br />� Pipex in 6he grmmd mnst bc Ini�l not Ic49 lhnn Le•cuLy�-four incl�es bcla��• <br />�� Ihesurface. <br />` All pipe� muNt hc ruu eo ny tn ��eoid �tnppages nnd trnpe 6e arll ecrnmd. <br />� \o bushinF nmel hc ueed to enuuerl u•ilh thi•�rtop-rnek a4 lhr ef�lce•nll:; <br />III�I�III'9 OT I'MIIICIII� NOCICC(41I1R}' IIC IIUMI if nc�•cevnr�•, <br />� So pipr cani run 6et.ween ihe Compnnv'v vcrvirc-rnek iuul mnin, nnd in rn=c <br />, a w•n[cr mrter ie Pet, uo pipc must 6c nonnu�led mLLei�lc Liic nietcr. <br />' ]'lumbere nm�� Wrn nn n•nfer fnr ihr purpn�e nf teetlnti I.h�ir pipr�, Lut. ihoy <br />�� mu�t lca�•c it ehut o0' nt ihc C'nmpmq.�� uri'viro-rork, nn n is so �•,�vit ����ic� o� <br />��n�e ���n•rr:r r•or. cn�su���ers. <br />'I'hc �calrr �cill nol 6c tu!•ncd nn to nuy premi��ti mrtil tls stat.rroi�nL hrmiu <br />mquired hav Loen fw•uivLrd to ihe ('ompnn��:uul thi� in�pectm �h��ll mrlify lhnt <br />Lhc �cnrl: hns hccn ilonc iu nrcnrdnnec a'il.h i�s r�drx nud rrgpinlinu�. <br />GEO. E. MONTANDON, <br />�uperinlendent 1:�•crMt \\'nler 1'nmpnny. <br />