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� <br /> CITY Or ".'Vr:F.ETT <br /> City Hall <br /> Lberett� Washington PHOnE: ALpine 9-7101 <br /> Il�'Sl'ECTIOI•' DEPARTid�NT <br /> f LOT APPROVAL SH�T <br /> r•'Al'1E � J r1 C: � I C .S'711,) �J� ADDRP�S 2,�I-�d ��rJl.[�c�e �7 L c�O�„�<�S <br /> aDDR�SS OI' PROPG33il BUILDING 1��a� (� y o �'� y,-� [7 L t. _ <br /> I�GAL D�SCRIFTION: IAT I BLOCK ADDITIOP. <br /> TYPE OF US� �j ^'MLl.J /���G. OF I3rDR00iiS SIZ� OI' LOT_ <br /> SOURC� OF DRII�.KIP'G l•IATER: YUBLIC SUYPLY s.--- YRIV.9TE �!i'sLL <br /> A. SURI�'AC� DHAIIU+G� <br /> l, Is disposal field site irell drained7 Q� <br /> 2. An,y iaater course (ctream, drainage ditch� etc, through site?._ � Q <br /> B. TOPOGitA1=HY <br /> 1, Any heavy slopes in field area3 ��A <br /> 2, 1�1i11 present top�il in £ield area be removed or praded before field tiles are <br /> installed? 1f e <br /> 3. !^Iill 4n,y £ill raaterial Ue used in tl�e disposal field site? 7�If yes� how much <br /> C. SOIL CCI'.DSTIOP;S <br /> 1. Has a hole at least Q feet deep been ug in the dis,•os=1 field arr.0 to determine <br /> the type oF �oil Present" <br /> 2, After hole is dug record t�e soil conditions at the following deptns. <br /> (Record as sand� gravel� clay, packed sand, loam� etc,) <br /> 12 inches 30 inches <br /> 18 lnct�es 36 inches /" 3.m.r:� <br /> 24 inches 4g inches <br /> 3. 4n5� ground iaater encountered beFore reachiug a depth of 4 feet? <br /> If so� at �ahat depth? <br /> D. �li1TER T�ST <br /> �: simn'e iiater test �iill shoia how irell this soil iaill. drain or percolate �aater. <br /> io p�riarm t3ii� test: <br /> 1. Dig n liole at loast 36 inches deep, Use a shovel or post hole digger; • <br /> size of hole �:�alces no 3ifference - onl,� depth. <br /> 2. �11 hole witii �iater. D'o�r let all. �rnter run out or hole. Tl:i s soaks the <br /> „round aud irill give a r�ore accurate reading, <br /> 3. :+gain pour iaater in hole to a height oi 12 inches frora ti�e �ottom, Let <br /> water run out until there is just 6 inches fro:n bottora lefi in hole, <br /> 4. 1'bte hoir many minutes it taNes for this last 6 ir.ches to eeep aira,v, <br /> 5, Divide tLis time b3� 6 to obtain the r t.e,9 ei• inch. 3 <br /> 6. Date �ilter tect �ra� perforred. �,c.L'� �f,; /4 F 3 <br /> I iierehy certif� the above it:foi,�ction to ��e co:rect a�tfi� a •ovc iest:: �icre per- <br /> forred by *�e as �;rescribed, �� e�' � <br /> Sign�d -�: yG/ <br /> (.ddre^s %/ <br /> t���TL: A se;tic tank permit i; 138t`.2C on tne� o£-¢f:e aUove inFormation, If <br /> th�re are anv chanreo or ali,erations i�i i„ie aUove etuiel soil coi:dition�, it ma,y <br /> result ir; the ir.stalleti�i; ' ein� rcj�ct�a at +.l�e ti:t� o: i�:n;,ectio��. <br />