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Octobcr 14, 2005 <br />'NGINEER/NG / PUBLIC SERV/CES DEPARTMENT <br />12TI1 STRGL7' PAR7TI�RS LI.0 <br />12199 VU,LAGG CCNTER PI. <br />MUKILTCO, WA 98275 <br />We wish to express our appreciation to you for helping to build and impro��e the City of Gverett. A permit <br />(C0509-0 I S) has bcen issucd in your namc approving the consWclion of your Uuilding on: <br />llONOVAN LANG PRD, LOT 2 <br />ln accordancc �vith thc City Code, your projcct ha, been assigned thc following address: <br />1220 DONOVAN LANE <br />IiVGI2�TT, WA 98201-1580 <br />l'o cnsure emergency access to your bmlding, numbers conforniing to the following table should be postr.d <br />rithcr abovc or at thc sidc of thc main building entrancc facing thc DONOVAN LANE right-of-way. <br />ADDItESS NUMDLR]Nv PIGURL' SIZE TAI3LE <br />Distancc Gom Road or Pirc Ianc Minimum �icurc Si2c <br />0— 50 Pcet 4" FI x 1.5" W <br />Sl-100Pcet G'Hx 3"N <br />101 — 150 Fcct S" H x 4" N <br />15l — 200 Fcr{ 10" [I x 5" W <br />201 Pect and up 12" H r G" \V <br />1'hrcc-inch (3") figures arc pcmiittcd for singlc-family occupancics only. <br />Thc minimum (igure sizc Cor multi-family and convncrcial occupancies is six inchcs (G'). <br />Tlic liciglu-to-widtl� ratio o(the figures shall Ue apnroxinu�tely 2H:IN. <br />Plcasc advisc all utility companics, thc Everett Post Officc and othcr intcrestcd parties of the abovc address. <br />A list of local agcncies and companics is cnclosed for your infoimation and convcnience. Please contact our <br />officc �vith any queslions. <br />Sincercly, <br />Public Services Division <br />cc: Postmaster, �vcrctt, WA; Auditor's Officc; Gvcrclt Pire Dcpartmcnt; �verett Police Department; <br />Margarct McLcod, 13uilding Inspection; A.I.S. IToward StoneUack, Post Office; Snopac Emerg.Svcs. <br />Cnclosurc <br />Chart No. NG17295 Address T��e: SPIi <br />CITY OF EVERETT • 3200 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-8800 • Fax (425) 257-8856 <br />