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APPLICATION FOR HOUSE NUMBER <br />Date Jan 18, 1967 <br />Street East - Drive <br />Number Assigned 5302 <br />Name Larry Boushey Phone <br />Present Address New Residence <br />Legal Description of Property Frac. Lot 16 Highland Acres That portion of Lot 16 and 17 <br />Plat of Highland Acres described as follows: Begin at a point on the east <br />line of Lot 17 of said Plat of Highland Acres, which point lies 84.82 feet <br />north of the southeast corner of said Lot 17; thence S88051.'06"W 150.0 <br />feet to Nl°58'54"W 85 feet; thence east approximately 133.50 feet to a <br />_point on the east line of said Lot 16; thence along the arc of a curve to <br />the ricrht and along the east line of Lot 16 and 17 for 86 feet M/L to <br />the point of beqinn <br />CITY OF EVERETT <br />ENGINEERING DEPAFITMENT <br />FOAM' NO. 435-001 Qv 1-- <br />Issued by Ron Everist <br /><71-., <br />