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VI'HEREAS, Principal has agreed to construct the following improvements in the <br />City ofEverett, State of Wa�hington: /�/IDyj/]/ ��'�v,� <br />%p /Yyy�/���l�iQ /��9'f <br />and WHEREAS, Principal has agreed to construct the improvements at [he following <br />location which is located in the City of Lverett, County of Snohomisli, State of <br />Washington, and is described as iollows: j�o(�. EY�GL'1'r��y�1�_rl+� <br />- — --- ✓l�P����� %�p� <br />; and <br />WHEAEAS, the City is requiring thr, Principal to provide a bond guarantceing the <br />construction of said improvements. <br />NOW, THEREPORE, TEIE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCI�, that if thc <br />.:. <br />said Principal shall construct, or have constructed, on or before the ��_ day of <br />�_,��� , or at such carlier date when requestcd to do so by thc City, the <br />improvements herein described in accordance with approved plans and in conformance <br />with City standard speci6cations, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and <br />Community Development, and shall save d:e City hannless from any loss, cost or damage <br />by reason of its failure to completc said improvements, then this obligation shall bc null <br />and void; othenvise to remain in full force and eft'ect. <br />In the event the City is required ro instiwte litigation to obtain performance <br />pursuant to this bond, Principal und Surety ugree to poy all rcasonable attorney's fees and <br />casts which are incurced by the City. <br />SIGNED, SEALLD and DELIVLRED this ____ day of__ ___, 19 <br />(PRiNCIPAL) <br />(SURETl� <br />(ATTORNEY IN FACT) <br />permnndlwimvnrdla pph rat\j h I1j w <br />