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$ ___; provided, thut the City shal] provide the I�ank with both zn <br />affidavit of mailing stuting that it seut noticc to the developer by mail at the above address <br />at ]east five (5) days prior to its notice to the Fiank and an affidavit of non-compliance <br />stati�g that the Developer hns not complied with the requirements of the above-stated code <br />or otdinance; provided, however, if the City detertnines that an action or inac:ion <br />associnted with this set-aside letter has created an emergency situation endnngering the <br />public health, safety, or welfare, aeating a potentiel liability for the City, or endangering <br />City streets, utilities, or property, then notwithstanding the language in this paragraph, the <br />City will provide the ➢ank with an affidavit stating that un emergenc/ e�cists which is <br />associated with the acUo�i or �naction associated with this sct-aside letter and the Bank <br />agrees to pay to the City an amount necessary for thc emcrgency no2 to cxcced the amount <br />set forih above. <br />Bank hereby agrees tnat if any fee is charged for maintaining said account pursuant to this <br />Agrccmcnt, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Developer. <br />� <br />The Bank further agrees that said $�/n'X� shall be retained by the Bank until the <br />IIank has received a written relexsz from the Director ofPlanning end Comr.�unity <br />Development of the City of Lvereu or his/her designec. <br />(Name of Bmrk or Savings & Laan) <br />� <br />Telephone # <br />Contact Per. <br />Ci ,ry ofEberetr Ser Aside Lettcr <br />Pg. 2 <br />1 :� <br />