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The easement Ss over and ac[oss a txacC of land sitvated in the County of <br /> Snohomis:�, State of AnshingCon, and the easemenC Ss described as follows: <br /> See Exhibit "A" aCtached heruto and Sncorporated herein by x. fecence. <br /> This easement Ss granted subjrct to and aondi[ioned upon [he folloving Cecss, <br /> conaitions and covenanCs: <br /> 1. Grantor shall at all Cimes conduct S[s activities and all othec <br /> aceivities conducted on Crantor's propetty �:o as not [o interfere with, <br /> obst::uct or endangee the usefulness of any improvements, or other facili[ies, <br /> ' now ur hereaf[cr maintained upon the easement, oT in any vay interfere ai[h, <br /> obxtruc[ or endanger [he City's use of the easement. <br /> 2. Prior to any construction, work or any other activi[y by Grantor on <br /> di�n easement, a notification and plans for the same chall he oubmiCted in <br /> wri'ing to the City by Contractor and no such construction, work or ac[ivity <br /> ny Grantor shall 6e commenced vithout City's ptior wrLtCen agreement tha[ the <br /> Gr�ntor's proposed construceion, vozk or activity will not ineerfere vith the <br /> City's easement granCed herein; PROVI➢ED, NOWEVER, any changes or xevisions in <br /> the plans sha11 alsn '�e sub�ect to City's prior agreement. The CL[y's :eview <br /> of [he Gran[or's plans under [his easement shull not be deemed to impose any <br /> duty or ob1l�aCion on [he Ci[y to de[ermine the adequacy or sufficiency of <br /> Grantoc's plans and dn.signs no[ vhe[her Grantor's construction, vork or <br /> acCivi[y is in conformance vith other applicable plans, codes nnd <br /> regula[ions. Further, agr^ement by the Ci[y Co such cons[ruction, Work or <br /> ar.ctvity shall not in any menner be considered as imposing any obligation, <br /> duty or liubility upon: the City as to the safeey or proprieey of such <br /> construction, vork or nctivi[y. <br /> �,�j {� Z V�L 2��UPdGE����2 <br /> Plar� � "ZxRi�'V � ��:1 <br /> �� <br />