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6. Grantor does release, Lndemnify and promLse to defend and snvc <br /> harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents Prom and again'� any and <br /> all liabiiity, loss, demage, expense, actlons and claims, Sncluding cos[s and <br /> reasonable attorney's fees incurred 7:y the City, its officers, employees and <br /> agenCs in defense [hereof, asser[Sng or atlsing directly or Sndlrectly on <br /> account of or out of Grantor's use or activi.t� nn/Sn the above-desr.ribed <br /> easement; provided, hovevee, [hts paragraph does not purport to indemnify the <br /> City egeinst liability for demages arising out o£ bodtly injury to persons or <br /> damages to propert� caused by or resulting from the :�ole negligence o£ Che <br /> City, i[s officecs, employees and ngents. <br /> 7. The Grantuc elso covenur��s to and vith [he Ciey that Crantor is <br /> lawfully seized and possessed of the land aforesaid; has n good and lavful <br /> right and pover Co sell and convey same; that same is ftae and clear of <br /> encumbrances, except as above indlcated; end [hat Graneor vill forever varrant <br /> and �tefend the title to said easement and the qulet possecsion thereof ngainst <br /> ehe lawful claims and demands of all persons whoosoever. <br /> 8. Crantor agrees :hat the righTs and obligations of the Grantor and City <br /> shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their iespec[ive heirs, <br /> successors and assigns. <br /> 9. <br /> Other: ____ <br /> -4- YOI. �4GUPdGES.2��� <br /> �so, <br /> � <br />