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The Everett Police Department uses the DO NOT <br />DISSEMINATE s(amp on ail docurnents released <br />to outside agencies and/or individuals. <br />The purpose c;f this admonition and the <br />conditions un�er which further dissemination <br />may be made: by the receiving agency/individual, <br />are given belcw; <br />1. Only the individual/agency to which the <br />document(s) has/have been released is/are <br />authorized t0 rece�ve it pursua�nt to the <br />request submitted. <br />2. The information is for a given (stated) <br />purpose, and may be further d;sseminzted <br />only for that purpose, and then only to other <br />members of the same agency. Further <br />dissemination between other agencies is <br />prohibited without the express consent of the <br />Everett Police Department <br />September, 1995 <br />PD-244 <br />