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REAL ESTATE MANAGER <br />3200 CEDAR STREET <br />EVERETT, N'A 98201 <br />RIGHT-OF-F�TRY .4GREEMENT <br />PROJECT: Larimer Road Drainage <br />PAF2CEL N0. (2) 5710 Larimer Road <br />This agreement made this _Seh day of February, , 1987, by and tetween <br />Edwin J. Graham and Elizabeth F. Graham, husband and wife <br />(hareinafter referred to as "the owner") hereby grants permission to the City <br />of Everett (h�reinafter referred to as "the City") to enter upon certain lanc <br />for the purpose of planning, er�gineering, and the actual construction and <br />installation (including utility relocations and necessary grading) in <br />connection with subject project. The land to which this limited <br />right-of-entry applies is described as parcel 4-021, Section 5 T.28, <br />N.R. 5 E.W.M. af the Snohomish County Assessor's records. The rights of the <br />City under this right-of-entry are coupled with an interest on the part of the <br />City, and therefore may not be revoked pricr to expiration. <br />The owner ano the City, by granting and accepting this right-of-entry <br />respec`ive!y, mutually covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. <br />2 <br />The City will make reasonable efforts to minimize disruption an� <br />i.nconvenience to said property and uses made thereof. <br />This right-of-entry will become null and void at such time as tha City <br />has completed the construction/installation and all work associatetl <br />therewith. <br />3. The City shall pi�otect and save harmless, the owner from and against any <br />and all claims, damage to or loss or destruction of property wh�tsoever <br />suffered by the owner, their successors and assigns caused by the <br />installation and construction of said pro�ect, however, the City shall <br />not be so obligated in the event of negligence of the owner, their <br />successors and assigns, tenants, licensees and invitees causing damage, <br />loss or destruction. <br />4. The City shall, upon completi�n of construction of said project described <br />harein, remove all debris and restore the surface of the property as <br />nearly as possible to the condition imnediately orior to the Ciiy's entry <br />thereon excepting any modifications or improvements made as part of the <br />construction pro,ject. <br />B �u� a /� � f�����r7 Notary Public for the State of <br />Y� 7 J.- �_ Washington, Snohomish County, <br />Edwin J. G ham residing in Everett. Notary for <br />,(� / the signatures of Mr. 6 Mrs. Graham. <br />8Y�_(,T���io �,� �'-��> �� Dated this Sth day of F��hrb�ry, 1987. <br />Eli abeth F. Graham Commissi rEicpira�ion,: ��f1-88. <br />� / \ l '�7��)�� �� r 1 l i �'t �c . <br />Accepted on behalf of the City of Everett: z_5_87, � <br />By: <br />Title: <br />]231B <br />