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�'j, ,. . GU�r.�j . � l�" <br />/ <br />CI TY UF tVEfiEI l �1 l� <br />City Hall PI-,Gp!E: A��;in� '�-il 11 <br />INSPECTIGP! DEPART��iE�Tverett, ',7ashin�ton <br />LOT APFPUVAL SHFET <br />�dn��E ; i , < <br />� nflflfiEss :� ,-� .��- <br />fiilDRrSS OF �FurpjED �JUILLIIVG % � � ' <br />--=----'--= <br />�EGFlL DESCRIPTION: LOT_____ aLOCK _ qDDITIOfJ' <br />./ J — <br />�YPE (,�F USEAi.;�,, •, i�0. GF BEDF�Ufu9S % ` • -� <br />_ SI ZE OF OT ! ; /;/ • <br />:�.�URCE OF DRINKIiVG dA1ER: FUBLIC SUPrLY ��` <br />—� PRIVATE .iELL <br />n. �URFACE DRAINP.GE <br />1. I� disposal field site well drained:' �/ l;�" <br />2• Any water coursa (stream� draina�e di{ch� etc.) throu�h site?_ j.',' <br />B. TOFOGRA?H�/ <br />1. Any heavy slopes in field area?_ �.'; I- ` <br />�• '�7i11 present {qPs��] �n field area b removedror �raded before field tiles are <br />instalied? i�'(; <br />3. ��iil any fiJ,l material be used in the disposal field site? �- f" If yes� ho�a <br />R.�ch <br />C• yO�L CU�iDITIOpJS <br />1, Has a hole at least 4 feet d ep been dug in the disposal field area to determinc <br />the type of soil presPnt° `���=< <br />a <br />��fter hole is dug record the soil conditions at the following depths: <br />i�iecord as sand� gravel� clay� packed sand� loam� etc.) <br />12 i nches �{ i,'� I''� 30 inches L�f.._ i,', �; ;_� �1 i <br />1B inches Sn�'�=; r 36 inches i� .i � <br />24 inches ( r�n��o ��_ ���i ' q8 inches ' <br />Any �round viater encountere�J before reachin� a depth of <br />�} so� at what de�th? <br />D_47ATER TEST <br />:1 simple wate� test will show ��ow .vell {his soil will drain or N��rcnl�te water, <br />To perferm this test: <br />1. Di� a hole at leas{ 36 inches deep. Use a shovel or post hole di��er� size <br />of hole makes no aifference - only depth. <br />2. Fill hole with water. IVow let all water run out of hole. This soaks the <br />ground and will pive a rrare accurate readin�. <br />3. A�ain pour water in hole to a nei�ht of 12 inches from the bottom. Let <br />water run out until there is ju�t 6 inches from bottom lePt in F;ole. <br />4, No{e how many minutes it takes for this last 6 inches to seep away. -; C� A)�� <br />5, Divide this time by 6 to obtain {he rat pe� inch,_�r1 �y <br />6. Date water test was performed,=� �l ', �ll�l <br />� hereb� certify the above information to be correct and the ,�bove tests were per- <br />formed by me as prescribed. <br />Siyned <br />tiOTE: A se kic tank Address' / , <br />P permit is issued on the basis of the above information. If <br />there are any chan�,es or alterations in the above stated soil conditions� it may <br />result in the installation bein� rejFcted at the time of insoection. <br />