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r^w�f»r 13, 1963 <br />!k. tiilliu H. 3elinB <br />3400 Higlt Streef, <br />E�eret�� Na�hin��on <br />DeaT I�h'• Sellegt <br />Thi� i� to inform you that qo� applioatian� PermiL /186�� fos� <br />psnd�aiat to pare the area ehrnm on aketch xith A�phaltla Concrete <br />has bs�n �pproved b� the City Council. A cop� of the ekeLch ehoxing <br />the appro�d xork i� encloeed. All wrk nnut contorm to thia eketch. <br />i/e uy also enclosing a copy oY onr rnlee and regnlatione go�erning <br />vo�k on CitT Streete. Pleaee notify ue Mhen you etarL thia wrk <br />so � in�peotiort can be made. <br />'Phi� p�ndL is valid for a period of 60 dqys. If the wrk hae not <br />bsen done at ths sad of tlut Liea� if xil]. be nece�eary for qou <br />to obt�in a nw pendL. <br />Sinoere�y <br />RODNLrY V. COLVIN <br />City Engieeer <br />RVC t ft� <br />F�cl-2 <br />e <br />