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r__ <br />CITY OF EYERETT <br />• PUBLIC MORKS DEPARTMENT <br />' BUILDING DIVISION <br />NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE FOR <br />FILING OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION <br />Appllcant: /Va��, C,,or� <br />Address: <br />Project Name: <br />Project Address: (o �{ZZ {-i�� <br />Z(l�( xIZ !`r- Jr <br />W r�►a,��u�,`Ile . v�i.. 9 �7L <br />At this time. your building permit application is Deing conditionally <br />accepted for filing, pending the determination of its completeness and <br />whether ar�y additional land use approval(s) including but not li�nited to: <br />Zoning Code <br />State Environ�nental Policy Act <br />Shorellne Manage�aent Act <br />is required in order Lo cosplete your application. <br />If the City revien deter�ines that any additlonal land use approval or any <br />additional info►�ation is required to ca�plete your buitding permit <br />application, it rill be necessary to submit this additionat infornwtion or <br />acquire the additional land use approval prior to your appllcation being <br />considered ca�plete ,for filing. If no other land use approval or additional <br />infonoation is requlred, your building permit application w111 be considered <br />filed as of this date. <br />Fees charged or refunded Mill be in accordance Mith Section 304(c)(f) of the <br />Unlfora� Buildin9 Code. <br />Valid only ►ihen signed by both parties: <br />(4456) <br />,L�L�iti,_ <br />a� <br />ae <br />