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ppMp�IANCE <br />pEpU1pED _ <br />INBPECitoN IMpORTANTc DlsrepaM toplcs that don't describe Ycur bu�lding or equlpmeM. �O NOT <br />���� p�ece checks In the two lett columns. <br />�� <br />e. <br />��� I I , �� <br />Altflow itom habRable rooms to `xho�e-house fan ensured by undercut doors or gfllis (VIAQ, S. 302.8.4) <br />Looeefill Insulstbn OK M (S.502.1.4.5): • <br />pmanirtwm ceilinp sbpe L3 tn 12 <br />S mll bladc poqlethyl�no 0 ind coverf�ePPad 12' at JoiM end t foundatbn wall� at the roof rklpe. <br />IClqranas shu0 mee�^-ed �� re � bMe� 1/2• o combu�eb�e 33 to insulatbn. <br />p chimney O <br />(11ri� hetCh shall be insuleted to teQuUed cep��0 R'�awe and IS weatherstriPPed (3•`�02•�.4.4) <br />q�� �cep shell heva wood dem o� eQ�NateM to retaln loose till insulatbn in altk (S. 502.1.4.4) <br />� rvlCe hot & e� dewatertP P� O�ha� be�in uat d t R S 5p3,�11)lS. 502.4.3). <br />rvice reclrculatlon hot wMer pipinp shall be insulated to Tabie 5-72 levels. <br />�paqd provided tor each HVAC system with ranqe of 55-75' F.(heatingl (S.503.8.1.1). <br />�ad0y accesslbN, automat�c or Manual means provided to restrk:t or shutoH Heatinp Input to each <br />zone or tloor during perbds not requirinq heat (S. 503.8.3.7). <br />Controls tor bsckup haat prohd�ft simOtaneous ope ��' a�o ��e$ �S 302 3)503.22(3)). <br />hs�bpl veMlletbn systems shall have prope <br />� hanlcal v�rMllatlon ducts shall have insulffibn a R-41n uncondftioned spaces (VIAQ, S.'s02.5) <br />� n�� suppy ducts in condttbned spaces shall have 2 R-4 insulatbn (VIA�, S. 302.5) <br />r upplY ducts ahall have volume dampers� or the equNe�ent� lo balance system (S. 503.8). <br />� pp�y and rotum Nr ducts shall have sealed duct joiMs fn uncondribned spaces (S. 503.102). <br />r HVAC ptenums, suPP�Y� a� re�m ely ducts shall have R-8 Insulatbn (Table 5-11, AII optbns) <br />s Ele� water hseteKs) shatl have (S. 504.2.1, 504.3, 504•4) _/ � NAECA Lable on tanlc <br />� - shut�oft �� <br />rate power, emperature settiny s 120 F. <br />wncompressible R10 pad {unheated spaces only) <br />� howers and �avatoMes shall Iimk fbw to s�9albnslminute (S. 504.8.1). <br />�wimminp poo�ltl(S. 504.5) shall have: Z�s GP� <br />preadily access�ble ONIOFF swRch (P�mp, heate� O Poo� cover O Plping insulated to S. 503.11 <br />�FlreplaCe(s) (VIAQ, S. 402•3) shal� have: <br />❑ 6 square inch combustion air supplyduct w/ operable damper, direclly connected to the tire box <br />❑ Tight fitting glass or metal doors� or flue draft induclion fan. C� TigM fitting flue damper• <br />]Solld fuel burnlnp appllence(s) (VIAa, S. 4022) shall have: <br />❑ TtgM fltttnq piass or metal doors <br />❑ Outside comb�stion air souroe directiy oonnected to the fire bnx <br />❑ Exceptbn: Non<Jirect, 4' diameter, dampered, combustion air source: ai�owed only for (1) new stove <br />Instaliattons in existing homes where obstructions preclude direct combustion sir, ^•r (2) Central <br />healinp systems bcated in unheated spaces. <br />Three moMh, etched o�e chs ngle amiRly rdwell n9 e�d o eiach grond floor unft of muttie-tamiaty dwelifngs <br />supplied by the�YrMiert <br />(VIA�, S.502.2.1). JVRIiO���i��• <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />� <br />O <br />� <br />WSEC Flnal phase requlrements: <br />�......n..iarl hvr <br />Page 6 of 6 <br />