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� ";' tnm-r}tn sEa�r� naEn or�zc� <br />�i,i%�i:: 10 i�IiA CO��'dITb�NT i^HA CASE N0. 561- 258629-203 <br />�i'sT 1 OF ( ADDFi�SS_ 7807 - Ili�hland Urive <br />AATE tiepC. 8 1977 i:verett, l�lashinrton <br />� Specific commitr.�ent conditions (�nplicable wl�en clieclted) <br />� - <br />,N Note: p7.1 required r:pairs must Ue camnleted in a professional manner. <br />1�l <br />� <br />4 <br />\ <br />411 <br />or pect control certiiicate of <br />:Lll3nectlOn oi ]•en?iYR_ Nn+n• <br />1011 <br />musL be subtruttc�d <br />obtained and any renair work commenced. <br />VCll��% Thi: commitr!ent is issued on the conclition that if the mort�e,ge is to Ue insu�el iuider <br />Section 235(i) or (j), the seller will execute an a�reement, in the form prescribed by <br />the Secretary, to reimUurse IiUD for expenses incurred in repairin; defects found eli- <br />�iblc for repair under Section 518(b). A1so, a seller who is not the last nermanent <br />occunant of the property and who is not substantially rehaUilitatir� the pronerty under <br />Sect'_on 235 must deposit 5 percert of the sales price in escrow ��th the mortgagee in <br />accordance �Tith terms of the se1)er's a�reement. <br />VC12 � Sub�ti.t certiPication i�om the 1oea1 authority ha�ring jurisdiction that the subject <br />property is in co�pliance with the I,oca1 bTiii�num Housing Code. <br />VC13 � Submit certification irom a state licensed pest control operator thal:t•rood destroyin� <br />or�anisms, ftin&�us and�or rot dama�,e in all of the dwelling, interior and exterior, have <br />been eliminated. A"Stendard Notice of Work Com�leted" or a report form indicating no <br />infestation may be submitted as certification, fiote: N1 repaizs must Ue completed <br />in conformance with local professioi:al building standards anfi loc��1 buildin� code:. <br />VC14 � Submit a certification on apuroved form i'rom a licensed Q plumtln� Q heatin� <br />L] electrical contractor certifying that the appropriate system�.$) is in goo3 <br />operabl.e condition, is properly installed, and is consistent witY. �ode enforcen:cnt <br />standaz ds applicaUle {;o this juxiscliction, <br />VC1� j,� Furnish evidence from {;he local health authoritf in3icatin� approval of tlie <br />Q i.n3ividual water suppl�• system, Q indi.vidual ^,ewage disposal sysi;em. <br />VC1� � Submit cert:iPication from the state electrical insuector that service panel and <br />e:Lectrical iistribution system conforms with present State �lectrical Code. <br />'JC1'(� �(u) � re-roof � repair roof oi Q dwelling and/or er�,e ; <br />z.5�r self s�.aling composition shingles or ��1 cedar shingle��id repau• slieathi7i�,r und <br />i�ista7l new flashings as necessary. Remove all old roofing when two or r.iore la,yer. <br />exist. Corq�osition or cedar shin;les not acceptaUle over a"built-up" roof. Contractor <br />to certify bhat required work is co�imlete and roof is in good condition. <br />Q(U) Subr.ii.t certi£ication from roofin6 contr¢ctor that rooY is in good condition <br />and not in need oi' repair or replacc��eut. <br />VC18 � P::int aLi ex'ce�•ior me�al and wood tri.m o" L,1 house and�or Q garage aSter adequately <br />preparin� surlace. <br />VC19 � Paint eni;ire ea-terior of house and o- <br />0 / ,� �ara�e including trim, Prevare surface <br />by rcnairin� oarca�ed areas, remove all loose paint a.nd blisters and e�ply an undcrcoat <br />to a11 baxe woo3. <br />VC20 [� �temove the exisi;in,; £loor covering in i;he following room�: <br />iteplace i•rith new resilient f'laor covering over suitnUle underlayment ai'ter ma.king <br />necess�*y repairs to subfloor. Carpeting not acceptable in kitchen and Latli areas. <br />��� �'1 L% ,�,�'_�air, pa:int and caitll; •r.11 window ea�h and doox•s to operativc condition.' bLinimwm of' <br />oae trindota sha7.1 open in each room. <br />���'� Q In�tall a 3��" �:on-adjustaule temperature and prnssure relief valve on hot water t.ank; <br />�iid c 3��+" 3ischal•�e line i;o outside or to an interior drain, Ratin„ of valve shall <br />not be greater thazi pressure x•ating of water tnnk. <br />VC23 Q L% (a) Peplace all dei;ericrated rotted or dum�ged wood f'oundation and fr�ning memUers, <br />including posts, p�ates, Ueams and joists in underfloor area, trith :ound materiald <br />No woori to remnin within 6" of ground. <br />,%] (b) Replace all skisi:ii� and other trood in contact with the �roimd a.nd replece <br />�Tith material resistant to rot and infestation. I'inish a11 e�cposed new or repaired <br />work to match e.�cterior. No wood to remain witlLin 6" of ground. <br />VC24 �] U(a) Install iiew �{;{;crs under a11 eaves on main Uui1 <br />s outc and ��• 1�'ovide adequate clrnni- <br />P splash blocks. App1y primer and tc�o coats of exterior paint to match <br />ezisi;ing f'inish. <br />C/ (b) Ii�stall elUoz•rs for dowzispoutc and provide splash blocks i;o carry rooi i•;ate�� at <br />least three feet away from fowidation. <br />VC52-_- 1. Kemuve woud Lrom dicl aruund access d�or .`.rawe to crat:l sp,ico. <br />