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(%� ✓c yn/ O C���� <br />Niai•vin C. Iiaglund, Director of Utili ' ��� K <br />c� Fi��: ����.a. .,a <br />a <br />��+` Roy VanDr�rMeersche, Water Sup��c raig Thoinpson, Sewer Supt. <br />OATE September 19, ] 97? <br />SUBJECT DECLAR,ATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - c�T� o� EVERETT. EVERETT. \:'nSMINGTON <br />Pernits to construct 16 unit two story <br />a�artment building - 5613 Highway Place. <br />WATER: <br />There is a 6" A. C. water main on Highway Place with approximately 80 psi <br />preasure to supply water to this location. The 16 unit apartment should not have <br />a significant impact on the water system. The Water Department should have no <br />objectiona to the proposal. <br />SEWh'R: <br />The 10" sewer in front of this parcel is adequate to handle the sanitary sewage <br />from the propoaed apartmenta. The project should not have a significant impact <br />on the adjacent sanitary sewer. <br />DRAINAGE: <br />Although the propoaed development is within the 36th Street combined sewer drainage <br />basin, the aewers adjacent to this parcel are separated. They do not become part <br />of the combined syatem until they both reach 52nd. The combined system at about <br />48th does flood routinely. With delention, I would not expect thie development to <br />create a aignificant impact on the adjacent atorm drainage system or to aggravate <br />the exiating comined sewer problem on 48th. <br />I must point out that since the adjacent sewer is a bond sewer, storm drainage <br />cannot be connected to it at this time. <br />