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Octobcr 12, 2005 <br />G'�INEER/NG / PUBLIC SERV/CES DEPARTMENT <br />PIiINNEY CONSTRUCTION <br />PO BOX 97G <br />EVEIiE'IT, WA 9820G <br />Wc wish to express our appreciation to you fon c�lping to build and improve the City of Everett. A permit <br />(C0509-038) has been issued in your name approving U�c construction of your building on: <br />LOT 3 S[IOIiT PLA'I' 1202-00G-04 <br />In accordancc with the City Codc, your project has been assigned the following address: <br />1G141I0LQROOK AVE <br />EVERLTT, WA 98203 <br />To ensure cmergcacy acecss to your building, numbers conforming to the following table should be posted <br />either above or at th, side of thc main building cntmncc facing thc HOLBROOK AVG right-of-way. <br />ADDRESS NUMIIERING PIGURG SIZB 7'ADLG <br />Distancc from Road or Firc Lanc Minimum �igure Sizc <br />0— 50 Fect 4" I I x 1.5" �V <br />.51 —(00 Fect C' H x 3" W <br />101— I50 Pcet 8° H x 4" \V <br />I51 — 200 Fcct 10" H x 5" N <br />20I Pcet and up I2" ti x C' 1V <br />Three-inch (3") figures ate pemtitted for single-family occupancics only. <br />Thc minimum 6gure size for multi-family and commercial occupancics is six inches (G"). <br />Thc iuighl-to-widq� ralio of thc figures shall bc approxin�atcly 2H:1N. <br />Please advise all utility companies, the Evcrett Post Office and other interested partics of the above addrcss. <br />A list of local agencies and companies is enclosed far your infomiation and convenicncc. Please contact our <br />off;ce with any qucstions. <br />Sinccrcly, <br />Public Scrvices llivision <br />cc: Postmaster, Fverctt, WA; Auditor's Office; HvcrcU Pire Dcpartment; Iiverect Police Qepartment; <br />Margaret McLcod, Building Inspection; A.I.S. f{oward Stoncback, Post Office; Snopac L'merg.Svcs. <br />&nclosurc <br />ChartNo. SE35294 Address'I'ypc: SPR <br />CIIY OF EVEREfI' • 3?.00 Cedar Street • Everett, WA 98201 •(425) 257-6800 • Fax (425) 257-8856 <br />