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EVERE-iT WATER CO ANY. <br />plat hook o --- <br />?- CIRCULAR <br />rage.... <br />t PLUMBERS AND PIPE FITTERS <br />4 <br />In hddition to the rules and regulations of Lhe Company re- <br />spectill- water suppl , the following instrcctinns are published <br />for the inlortnation and uidance of plumbers, pipe -fitters and till <br />personsconcerncd7 <br />Un the brick of this sheet it statement of the .\.\ orlt done ltna <br />fixtures put it, must be made by the plumber and returned to the <br />o.Iice of the Collipany. <br />lit all cases it "stop and waste" must be put in, and so placed <br />that it is easily accessible to the consumer, lo:d ill such n position <br />that it will drain all the pipes. If pi; cell o-ttside the building it <br />"lust he boxed, so that it can be easilv reached, iutil so that it <br />call he protected from frost. All pipes, inside aad outside, must <br />Ile laid free from traps so that tile.\• wi.l drain .\yllen the waste is <br />Open. <br />Pipes in the ground must be laid 1,, ': ICAF Lhinl twenty-four <br />incites below the surface. <br />All pipes most be run so its to avoid stop' ages and till traps <br />must he well secured. # <br />No bushing must be used to connect with the stopcock At the <br />sidewalk; nipples or reducing sockets may be used if necessary. <br />No pipe can run between the Comptutlt's service -cod: iuul <br />main, null in case a water meter is set, no pill' must be connected <br />outside the meter. 1 <br />Numbers may turn ou water for the purlinse of testing their <br />pipes, hilt they nnlst leave it shut oil' at the Contpeulv's Service - <br />cock, and in no case turn on the water for consumers. <br />The water will lint be turned on to ant. premises until the <br />statement herein r:quired ha, been furnished to the Comp;uty <br />iuul the iltspeetor shall certify that u:e .\yol•k lilts been done in <br />accordance with its rules and regulations <br />A. C. PATTERSON, <br />Superintendent Pvcr:tt water Conlyul <br />1 <br />