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To: Jim Iles <br />From: Marian Dent /'% <br />I <br />Date: August 21, 1985 <br />Subject: 2119 Rainier <br />Sinr December 1984 I had been receiving complaints concerning this <br />resitlence. Mrs. Higgins, who is the complainant, lives at 2117 <br />Rainier. She has kept the Police Department going also. Her <br />complaints have been concerning the occupants at 2119 Rainier and <br />involved parking in the alley by her garage, garbage le1`t for <br />weeks at a time, trash piled high in the carport, loud music, etc. <br />The Police have been out there on several occasions. The Health <br />Oepartment has been out concerning the garbage and has found no <br />valid complaint. <br />I have been there several <br />are renters. There is a <br />carport. <br />times and talked with the occupants who <br />problem with junk being stored in the <br />In January I sent a letter to the owner of the property. It came <br />back unclaimed. I monitored the area and things continued to pile <br />up in the carport. <br />On August 7th I sent another letter. This time it was sent reg�lar <br />mail to the owner. There has been no change in the condition of the <br />carport. <br />A copy of the file is enclosed. <br />