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CITY OF EVERETT <br />Municipal Code - Chapter 8.20 <br />Rubbish <br />8.20.010 Rubbish on premises unlawful. <br />It is unlawful for any owner or occupant of any occupied premises, or any <br />owner or agent having charge of any unoccupied premises within the corporate <br />limits of the city to suffer or allow any glass, metal, broken ware, rubbish, <br />debris, trash, dirt, garba9e or other substance or thing that creates a <br />hazard to the health, morals, safety or general welfare of human beings who <br />may live therein or to the general public, to be thrown or deposited or <br />remain upon the premises, or on the street to the centerline thereof in <br />front or at the side of the premises cr on the alley to the centerline, <br />thereof, at the side of or behind any premises so owned or occupied by him <br />or of which he has charge as agent or tenant or occupant. The following <br />standards shall be followed, in substance, by those authorized officers of <br />the city charged with the enforcement of this chapter: <br />Those premises which because of an accumulation of any one of the <br />items hereinabove mentioned creates a nuisance under the laws of <br />the state, or are likely or apt to attract small children who have <br />not reached the age of eighteen years, shall be deemed premises <br />which create or may become a hazard to the health, safety and/or <br />welfare of the people of the city; <br />Those premises which because of an accumulation of any of the items <br />hereinabove mentioned create a potential area where rats, mice or <br />other rodents may exist, breed or multiply, shall be deemed premises <br />which pose a threat or create a hazard to the health, safety and/or <br />welfare of persons of the city; <br />Those premises which because af an accumulation of any of the items <br />hereinabove mentioned create a condition or conditions which are <br />unsafe or unsanitary may be found premises which are dangerous to <br />the health, morals, safety or general welfare to the people of the <br />city. <br />8.20.030 Penalty for violations. <br />Any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with any <br />of the mandatory requirements of this chapter shall upon conviction of <br />such violation or failure be punished by a fine of not more than five <br />hundred dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed six months or by both <br />such fine and imprisonment. <br />� <br />