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_ _ . . . . �.� I <br />�.,.,.� �,�:.,_�.�, , <<,:::: ...- ..._ <br />Conci�uous OG�ner:;hip <br />Beginning ac � puin[ 30 te�i L•;isL uf thc IJortiwe�[ curncr of th�: <br />Sou[heast 1/4 oE tLe SonCheas[ I/4 oE SccCi.on 34, 1'uwns;iip 29 North, <br />Hangc 4 Eist 11.P1.; thencc N 8H°38't�0"L G37.90 fce[; thutcc <br />5 12°52'OS"E 1ti2.04 feet; Chence IJesC to a Pc�ine 142.90 feet SouCh <br />of the true poinc of 6ef;innin,; Chence N 0°SG'32" W[o the truc <br />poin[ oC be£,1����'-��g. Oehcrui::c known as Lots 9 and 10, Iilock 1 <br />Sca_Hrceze G;irden, UnrecorJed Plat, <br />— _� �'` '--- <br />�:_'. ----._. _ _-- <br />`� -_—�-`-----`_--____=—_ ---- <br />� _-.' <br />f'�—�-� _�_--== ---" <br />i LoC 1 —�__ -_._ <br />Beginnin� a[ n point 30 EceC Gas[ of the i7orthc:est corner of the <br />Southcast 1/4 of [hc SouU�case 1/4 0[ Section 34, 7bwuship 2y <br />Nor[h, hangc 4 G:�ct Il.;1.: thcncc S 0°5G'32"E for t�p.00 fcet to <br />[he truu puint of be�;inniu�;; U�ence tJ 88°3q'40��L [or 125.00 feet; <br />Chence S 0°56'32"f•. for 1O5.8G fceC; thenre ldes[ far 125.00 Ecet; <br />thence f; 0°56'32"IJ for 10?.90 feet to the true poin[ of }����n��ing, <br />I.ot ? <br />Beginning a[ a poiu[ 30 fe�C L•'as[ ot the. iJorthvesC corner oC [he <br />Southc,�st 1/4 of thc Son[Iicast j/q ot Section 34, Ta;;nship ?9 hor[h, <br />:�:�nge 4 Last; tl�encc N 83°38'40"E for 149.97 fecc; chcnce <br />S �°SG'J':'F. tur 151.1& Cect; Ciiance West for 225.00 Ceet; thancc <br />iJ p°56'32"l: Cur l0i.tiG [��et; thencc 5 SS°3:i'40"b; fur 125.00 fec[; <br />chcuce Y, Ooy�r].���,,: [or 40.00 [ee[ eu [he rr�ic puint ai t�eginning. <br />L��t 1 <br />i%�'ginning aL ;� poin[ 30 lcec P:a,;L uI [hc North�,:�;t. eurncr o1 thc <br />:;outB�.;�;c .i�l� of [hc Sou[hcasl 1�4 of Scctio❑ i4, "fo�:u;hip 29 North, <br />Gange !� Eas[ W.M.; Chenc� N 83°Jf3':�p���:, for 749.97 fcec to [he true <br />poinC of bc�inning; [hencc conti.nuc N S6°18'40"F. fur ?H7.93 Ecc[; <br />[i�rnce 5 l?`52'OE3"ii lor �.O.S2 Leet• [hence S 68°38'!�0°W For ].4G.]9 <br />fecc; [hencc S 0°SG'32'E !or 11.4.7'J fcet; thencc lJest fur <br />1-`0.00 fecC; [hcuce [2 p°SG'32"W I�r 151.18 feeC to [he [ruc poi.nt <br />n( }�e};inniug. <br />Loc 4 <br />li�•rinning at ❑ poinC �0 :ci�C i:�st oE Chc Nocthw�:;[ corncr o[ thc <br />Souche:is[ 1/4 0l thc Sou:hcac:t 1/4 of Section 34, '1'ownship 29 <br />�ort6, Rcu�t;�� 4 F:a:;[; [hence �' F3g°35'40'�i: tnr G37.90 CecC; <br />[hence S 12°52'OR"E for 40.8? feet cu chc truc puine oC beginning; <br />th�nee cunciuue S l2°52'03"F. tor 1'_1.2?. fee[; [hence West <br />fur 171.4G Ccet; clioncc h 0°56'��"W fur 114.73 Lcet; thcnc� <br />\ 38°Jg't,p"i; tur ]t,(,.79 fcet cu [hc [ruc puinc o£ b��}:inning, <br />v <br />� �, f'pRs , <br />,,�C .�f'tYR �'y��,�/�. <br />:•::� r,, '�'�'; <br />�� �:��,'�U.�:��'; <br />„1._ <br />