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Return To ; Public Services,City of Everett, 3200 Cedar,98201 ��1 <br />�I <br />W.O. Il <br />everett <br />� . �9,� oceo., ,4��. <br />Property Address <br />COVENANT CONSENTING TO FORMATION <br />OF A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT <br />WHEREAS, Steven Hecht hereinafter <br />referred to as "Owner;' owns certain property within the City of Everett legally <br />described as follows: <br />Lot ill of Hecht Short Plat as recorded in Vol. 942 <br />pg. 169 records of Snohomish County under .�uditors <br />File No. 7602060122. <br />WHEREAS, Owner has applied for a permit from the City of Everett which <br />under Ordinance 555-78 and subsequent amendments thereto require certain improve- <br />ments to be made to public rights of way as a condition to issuance of certain City <br />permits; said Ordinances allow that the City Engi�ieer may accept a.covenant consenting <br />to the formation of a local improvement district in lieu of having Owner construct <br />and install the required public improvements. <br />WHEREAS, Owner's property and the adjacent public rights of way have <br />been determined to require a covenant consenting to the formation of a local improve- <br />ment district rather'than having Owner make specific improvements. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of issuance of applicable City permit(s) <br />pursuant to Ordinance No. 555-78 and subsequent amendments thereto and in lieu <br />of certain public right of way improvements Owner consents to the formation of <br />a local improvement,district hereafter formed by the City or its successors or <br />other property owners for the public improvement of: <br />or a portion thereof including street improvements defined in Ordinance Nos. 555- <br />78 and subsequent amendments to include:, „ ��� r� <br />� <br />The installation of all public faciiities required to improve <br />. the street to City design standards including grading, drainage, <br />pavement, curb/gutter, sidewalk, street lights, traffic signals <br />and other necessary appurtenances. Such street improvements <br />shall not be limited to the half street abutting the property; ' <br />for example, where no permanent street improvement existed, ,:' �', • <br />the street improvemant shall be extended beyond the centerli�e�,:..��;.�����.,''�, <br />a sufficient distance (10 ft. minimum) to permit safe movement:i``�'''�� �.���`:G�: �' •` <br />of traffic. _ � �+ ���_._ °' - <br />' = ' � I ..1,C'^N: ^i' � <br />This Covenant consenting to the formation of a loca! improve"Jri�i�dl�st�1'c��',.� � <br />applies (and precludes legal protest) only to the tormation of a local Trp�,Ov��n�s'y'1; <br />district, Owner executing this document retains its, his/he� or their righF�6ndGr ` . <br />law to provide input on tS�e proposed public improvements to be accompli�hed�byyt�+� :� ��� <br />such local improvement district including nature and type of improJements'as well'''��` <br />as the proposed or firial benefits and assessment therefor. <br />The City shall� deliver a signed release of this Covenant to Owner after completion <br />of public improvements as described hereinabove through the formation of a local : <br />improvement district and after transmittal of the final assessment roll to the County <br />of Snohomish pursuant to law. The City may not utilize this Covenant for the formation <br />of more than one (1) local improvement district. `'r <br />This Covenant consenting to the formation of a local improvement district ` <br />shall be a covenant touching, concerning and running with the land and shall be � <br />binding on OwnePs heirs, assigns or successors in interest. •, <br />8203030165 <br />:u <br />voe 1'739 racFiG58 <br />'�� <br />� r.�}'y{ <br />_I �� ..' t `i '1. 1! �__ \.�.il/ <br />1 l�_ , n n • <br />� <br />