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} <br />F�UBLIC WORKS PERMIT COMMENTS <br />4. Connecl side sewer per City Standard #601. <br />5. Connecl side sewer per City Slandard #'s 601, 602, 604. <br />6. Connect all rooftop downspouts lo the side sewer. <br />7. Connecl rooftop downspouts to the drainage system provided for this lot. <br />���' <br />�9_ <br />��' . <br />11. <br />i 12. <br />(13. <br />(14. <br />15. <br />16. <br />17. <br />18. <br />i 19. <br />20. <br />21. <br />22. <br />23. <br />Rooflop runoff must be discharged lo a roof downspout infiltration system per City of Everett Storm <br />Manual 3-2.6.2. The approximate size trench is 3.5' wide, 2' deep and 25' long. See attachment for <br />more details. <br />The conlractor must meet wilh the Public Works Inspector lo discuss potenlial drainage routing prior lo <br />beginning Uie project. <br />Install erosion control measures as delermmed hy the Publi: Works inspeclor, such as silt fence, straw <br />bales, swales, or erosion blankets. <br />Install erosion control measures per City of [verett Standares for small parcels <br />Remove erosion conUol measures upon completion of the project prior to final approval of the permit. <br />All excavated material from foundalion, sidewalk and driveways shall be liauled to an approved, <br />permitted sile. No wasting of material is allowed on this buildir3 lot. <br />No diri, mud, rocks or debris lo be tr cked onto roadway. <br />No buildi�c� materials lo be stacked on sidewalks and sidewalks lo be kept clean and open for <br />pedestrian lravel. <br />Adjusl water meter box 1" above sidewalk grade. <br />Remove and replace curb, guUer and sidewalk as per City of Everett Standard Plan #'s 305A 8 306 on <br />this proposal's (ronlage as directed by the Public Works Inspector (i.e. all unused driveways and any <br />broken or damaged area must be replaced). <br />Install a Type I concrete driveway per Cily o( Everelt Standard �307. <br />Pave driveway frcm the fronl properly line out to the street pavinc�. <br />Contact Ihe <br />sewer services. <br />Waler District for connecling pro� �sions for this building's water and <br />A catch basin as per City Standard Plan SW02 wilh a gas trap per Standard Plan q410 is required for the <br />p�rking area. <br />If a sewer pump system is to be installed, the pressure line must discharge into a private manhole, then <br />pravity flow across the public righbo(-way. <br />A sprinkler system is required for lhis building in compliance with the requiremenls of NFDA Standards <br />13D. <br />FOR PUBLIC WORI(S INSPECTION, CALL RANDY AT 425-339-7403 / CLIFF AT 425-339-7404 <br />rc �-�,�„�:,r> <br />