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DAVID L. NELSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />Consulting Engineering Geology <br />July 13, 1990 <br />Project No. 9490 <br />Page g <br />of about 3.5 to 7 feet from the existing ground surface using the data from <br />test pits 2, 3, 6 A 7. TI,e fill area shown on the Location Map has potential <br />fill depths of 10 feet or more. This should be considered in structure <br />design: Potentially, a daylight basement could require the removal of most of <br />this material having a minimal amount for overexcavation in the slab areas. <br />The excavation depths necessary for the rest of the site should be much less. <br />The deeper excavations on the slopes can be destabilized by the presence of <br />ground water. Although we did not observe significant ground water in this <br />area, this should be understood and if water is encountered measures should be <br />taken to control it. <br />Excavation Considerations <br />Temporary cuts may be necessary if basement type designs are used. Stepped - <br />type excavations may be necessary to reach bearing soils if the structure is <br />founded partially on the sloping portion of the site area. The stability of <br />open excavation cuts within the sloping portions of the site during <br />construction will depend on the nature and consistency of the naturally <br />occurring soils, as well as the presence of ground water seepage and runoff. <br />The following temporary cut slopes assume no emerging ground water and are <br />expected to be appropriate for their respective soil types: <br />-2H to 1V for loose surficial soils and fill. <br />-1.5H to 1V for loose -medium dense/stiff silty sand/silt and the upper <br />weathered zone materials. <br />-1H tc 1V for medium dense-dense/hard silty sand/silt deposits. <br />-0.75 to 1V for stiff Whidbey Formation materials, or glacial till, <br />with cut heights up to 8 feet. <br />Ample slope protection and maintenance should be u3ed during construction. <br />This would include covering the slopes with plastic sheeting during times of <br />wet weather. Because of the many variables involved, the above values should <br />be considered general guidelines. Unsupported permanent cut slopes in medium <br />dense native or compacted structural fill soils shculd be no steeper than 2H <br />to 1V. Once specific plans are developed, more definitive information can be <br />provided. <br />