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Gci��6�r 11, IP67 <br />Mr, Jerr� Bucklr-y <br />710 Olymplc Boul�vard <br />[v�rr•tt� '�Yesht�'�at-n 9Ff?01 <br />�JIDEN E7;ISTiNG LLACKTOP DRIVE��hY--PER/,11T N0. ?60� <br />The Clty Englnenr has approved ycur rrqu�st to w1Cen the exlsiing <br />blecktop driveway B—feet In the area shown nn the enclosed sketch. <br />Aii wnrk must conlorm vrlth this sketch. <br />Ne arr: also enclostng a copy of our rules �nd reg:.lations governfr�g <br />work on City streets. Please nottfy us when you start this work so <br />an inspect�on can b� made. <br />This permit is valid f�r a period of 60 d�ys. It tLe wo�k has not <br />been done et the �nd o( ihat 1ime, �t will be necessr.n; fnr you to <br />7ht7I� :1 new pPrmit, <br />j i n�C�P I )'� <br />RODN[Y V. COLVI� <br />Ctty Englnc�r <br />pr <br />EnClO5ure5 <br />