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NUTICL Ol' IIEARING <br />Notice is hereby given that a hearing wilJ be held by the City <br />Planning Commission Board of Adjustment at the City Hall, EvPrett, <br />Wasl�ington at 10:30 A, M, Jan. 27, 1964 f.or the consider_ttion <br />of the tiollowing; <br />Application from I-I. T. Stoddard, 335 Olympic Boulevard, for a <br />variance to permit construction of a single family dwelling closer <br />to thc front and side lot lines than allo�ved by tlie ordinance, on <br />Lot 2, Vie�v Ridge Additio�i No, 4 <br />(7; 1 Olympic Blvd, ) <br />Any person desirin� to be heard on this proposal should present <br />their opinion at said time and place of heariag, <br />F, H. BENNETT, Secretary <br />1•;verett Flanning Commis.^,ion <br />Board of Adjustment <br />Fublished; Jan. 20, 1964 <br />