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��ctober, 2[, I955 <br />?� r. Hurold il. Itavona <br />(��6 i)].j^:ijJj.0 AOUZ�Vf]I'C�� <br />Lverett, ":ashinbton. <br />Dear Sir� <br />Our records shovr that you are the ovmer of �ie pre�nises locuted as qpg <br />,�-y�_poU7,P�7Yj, l�t �0� ?'r�rhorvie« Addltiori� <br />L'S'ty Li r.YCI'CLL� rrFlsnlilg Ori. <br />To dute we have no record of the connection of these premises to tlie pub- <br />lic 3e�ver system of the C3ty of Everett. <br />Section 3 of Ordinance 3455 af the City o£ �verett re�uirea� and cmpowers <br />the Inspector of Ser:era F.• Plunbing�as the of tha Coismiss'oner of <br />Public Worl:s to compel the oti7ners or t2�e cccupant of any lot or parcel of real <br />proner{y located vrithin 30G ft, o£ e public setiver to connect or cause to be connect- <br />ed n sufficient serrer or drain pipe whicl� sh�ll connect such lands� biv.].dir�s or <br />prec�isos with tlie nearest acces�ible public serrer. <br />Section 3 of Ordinance 3455 also reeuires that tlle ormer� occupont or <br />tenant be notified in vmitii�� specifyin� t'ie tire v+hen such nust be comnleted <br />and provides C1�at should the ormcr� occupant or tenant fail� neglect or r.efuse <br />to complete the connection in t!ie time specified, t?ie City shall ceuce scid <br />drain to be construc'ted� the cost tiiereof tn be as�essed again3t i:he nrenises ,o <br />drai�ed e7d shall constituCe e lien tliereon. <br />'i'herefcre� pursuent to Section 3, Ordinance 3455� City of �verett� 1"'ash- <br />ington, ynu are hereby notified to coiinect t.he plumbing in tlie buildings situated <br />rn� i;he prcr,�ises of g06 Olymj�iC T'lVd.� Tot G0� iiarbo�;t�,tesr ^dd�t�c�n <br />City of Everett� to t>>e gub].ic serror sy�te-� of the Ciiy o verett, os iin�ton <br />critl� a drein pipe of not less t'�an 4 inchea inaide diameter. <br />You are iurtl:er noti.fied tlict 3uc.� connection �1ust be c�ade by or bofore <br />i9ovenbor, 3�1. I955. <br />Please give this sub�cct voiu- ir.i^�ediate at":ent.ion. <br />Ap„roved� C. S. t,leCumb,p. <br />Commissioner of Publ'� ti7crk� <br />EOD/u <br />Yours trul.�;, <br />L.G. Dorcy, <br />In�r;ect;or of ::ee�cr3 �: ?lu;abi���. <br />