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2008 Wash�ngton Stata Nonrosidential En,�rgy Code Complionce Fortn <br />Total Propoaed WaHs rt at ezceed Tohl Albwed W�lta Por Interior ', �hl Propotnd V�atb� �OSF . 0 <br />NoMs: <br />1. For propoaed Fixture Descripdon, indicate (ucture type, lamp type (e.p. T-8), nurber of lamps in tM Pocluro, �nd bYllat rype (if <br />inctuded). For tradc Iqhtinp, list the b�th ot the tndc (in fm:y in add'Rion to Ne Rxturo, lamp, and ballut i�orm�tbn. <br />2. For propoaed WatbfFixturo, use manuhdwsre Ibtad mndmum input wattrpe nf the fizturo (nol aknpy Ms lamp waltaps) �M <br />WMr criterie as spec'died in Sectloi 1530. For nard-wired bal4ah ony, Ne dehu t hbb In the NREC Techniul Refconee Manual <br />may also be used. For track lightinp, list the yra�ter of aGual I�min�irc watt�pe or bnpM of tratk muKiplied by 50, or �s appiicabb, <br />the wattaye oi wrtent limRiny devices or o1 the t� enafortner. <br />3. Lfst all fixlurcs. For ezempt lighlinp, note secUon �nd exoeptbn numbar, and bave Walta�Fixture b4nk. <br />