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� <br />7u:y 1� i781 <br />Duane K. Russell <br />210 - 47th $L[eeL <br />Everett, W A 98203 <br />Greetings: <br />CITY OF <br />everett <br />CIT� M�LL • 1fh�)�! <br />[yf11{TT, WA�NIN6iON <br />...o� <br />We wish to express our appreciation for your confidence and interest in helping <br />to build and improve the City of Everett. <br />A building permit has been issued in your name approving the construction of the <br />structure on: <br />That portion of Lot 6, Maple Heights, according to plat thereof <br />recorded in Volume 10 of plats, page 23, records c: Snohomish <br />County, Washington, lying West of the following .escribed dividirg <br />lin ; Beginning at the Northwest corner of said �ot 6; thence South <br />5�06'38" East along the Northerly line o: said Lot 6, a disoance of <br />128.39 feet �o the true point of beginnind; thence South 40 48'S9" West <br />a d►stance o: 171.01 feet to a point on the South line of said Lot 6d <br />whic� point is the point of ending, and which point bears South 67 02'4S' <br />East, a distance of 73.16 feet from the Southwest corner of said Lot 6; <br />Except the Sout�� 29.31 feet thereof. <br />Subject To: M easement affecting a portion oi said prerr�ises. <br />Recorded: March 7, 1980 <br />Auditors No. 8003070039 <br />Subiect To: A Covenant affecting sa�d premises. <br />Recorded: March 7, 1980 <br />Auditors No.: 8003070038 <br />In accordance with the City Code� your facility has been assigned the following <br />address: <br />1340 W. Mukilteo Blvd. <br />Everett, Washington 98203 <br />Please advise all utility companies and interested parties of the above address. <br />The number should be affixed either above or at the side of the main entrance <br />facing the public right-of-way. <br />� <br />�� <br />